News Story

October 9, 2008

New professorship honors Mitchell A. Byrd

October 8, 2008

Assessing the value of wetlands (EPA marsh surveys)

October 7, 2008
Close-up of an adult double-crested cormorant on the Virginia barrier islands

Foraging distribution of cormorants & osprey on the James River

October 7, 2008
Close-up of an adult double-crested cormorant on the Virginia barrier islands

Foraging distribution of cormorants & osprey on the James River

October 6, 2008

Peregrine tracking project continues to produce new info

October 5, 2008

Enhancing pine landscape suitability for forest / early successional birds

October 4, 2008

The Avian Heritage of Virginia and Washington D.C.

October 3, 2008

Bald eagle communal roosts delineated in the Chesapeake Bay

October 2, 2008
Chronosequence of lower Smith Island-storm washovers

Landscape dynamics along Virginia's barrier islands: Assessing habitat stability for disturbance-prone species

October 2, 2008
Chronosequence of lower Smith Island-storm washovers

Landscape dynamics along Virginia’s barrier islands: Assessing habitat stability for disturbance-prone species

October 1, 2008
Brown pelican and double-crested cormorant chicks on Smith Island

Estimating fish demand by waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay

June 17, 2008

Red knot stopover ecology on Va’s Barrier Islands

June 17, 2008

Red knot stopover ecology on Va's Barrier Islands

June 16, 2008

2007 Golden-winged Warbler Results

June 15, 2008

CCB continues work with endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker

June 14, 2008

Aerial surveys for cliff-nesting birds extends into the southern Appalachians

June 13, 2008

Peregrine Falcon population continues to hold ground in Virginia

June 12, 2008

Golden eagle tracked to Northern summering area