bald eagle

July 18, 2024
An eagle with a CCB transmitter carries a fish below the Conowingo Dam. Throngs of eagles come to the lower Susquehanna from throughout eastern North America to feed and loaf in the area. Photo by Ted Ellis.

Lower Susquehanna Eagles

By Bryan Watts7/17/24 For bald eagles along the Atlantic Coas the Chesapeake Bay is a focus, and within the Chesapeake Bay the Conowingo Dam on the […]
March 30, 2024

Pewee and Bomber 

By: Bryan Watts3/30/24  I carried two pairs of welders’ gloves and Stan Wiemeyer carried a wide-mouthed hand net as we walked down a long line of […]
October 3, 2023

The resilient eagles of Jamestown

By: Bryan Watts10/1/23 We sat together in silence as if in a Quaker meeting.  He perched on a limb next to a large nest and me […]
January 11, 2023
A bald eagle nest just off the Poropotank River in Virginia in 2003.

Chesapeake Eagles Shift Behavior

By: Bryan Watts1/11/23 We often think of animal behaviors as static species traits.  While some behaviors such as courtship rituals may be stylized and relatively robust […]
July 11, 2022
Results of aerial surveys for occupied bald eagle nests 1976-2016

New Paper: Social burden and bald eagle recovery

By: Bryan Watts7/10/22 Survival of the majority of the endangered species in the United States will ultimately depend on our ability to manage habitats on private […]
July 1, 2022
Muskrat skulls collected from eagle nests along the middle James River.

Eagles and Muskrats

By: Bryan Watts6/29/22 We turn south onto Occupacia, one of the most productive creeks along the Rappahannock.  Ducks rise up in waves ahead of us leaving […]
April 7, 2022
John Dos Passos, wife Elizabeth and daughter Lucy on farm at Spence’s Point

Dos Passos: A conservation legacy

By Bryan Watts4/6/22 Bald eagles have now recovered throughout most of their range and certainly within the Chesapeake Bay.  Now, so long removed from the silent […]
October 4, 2021
Bryan Watts with an adult female bald eagle ready for release.

Trapping eagles

By Bryan Watts10/1/2021 Like fly fishing, catching free-flying eagles is a mental game of solving puzzles and mastering technique.  You have to learn the seasonality of […]