EagleTrak Blog

July 16, 2010

Catfish Pond Visit

On Thursday July 15 I made a visit to the Tidewater Research Station operated by the North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture near Plymouth, NC to see […]
July 16, 2010

Camellia Near West Point, VA

Camellia is now well on his way to exploring this world. After arriving over Queens Creek on July 13 at 6:00pm he came to rest on […]
July 15, 2010

Azalea Back to Catfish Routine

Azalea has pretty much returned to her regular catfish routine. She has visited a couple nearby places she has been before like the old borrow pit […]
July 15, 2010

Camellia Leaves NBG July 13

Well the next major phase of the life of Camellia has begun. He has now left home and is now on his own. After spending the […]
July 12, 2010

Azalea Returns to Catfish Ponds

Azalea remained here just long enough to let us know that she still knew her way home, but she needs more manners as she failed to […]
July 12, 2010

Camellia Remains at NBG

Camellia’s satellite transmitter is sending signals most of the time now. There were a few time on July 9 when it did not. Since our last […]
July 8, 2010

Azalea in Virginia Beach July 5-8

Alright Azalea – we are going to find you!! She is back in Virginia Beach. Last night she spent the night near the intersection of Witchduck […]
July 7, 2010

Camellia Transmitter Finally Working!!

The sun has finally done its job – powered up the satellite transmitter that Camellia is wearing on his back. You will notice something different about […]
July 7, 2010

Azalea Returns to Virginia Beach

For the satellite map period June 29 at 11:00am until this map at 7:00pm July 5, Azalea remained at the catfish farms UNTIL 1:30pm Monday July […]
July 2, 2010

First Camellia Map July, 1, 2010

Here is the first satellite map from the travels of Camellia (banded NC). It only contains partial data for June 28 and July 1. That data […]
July 2, 2010

Camellia on the Move West

Camellia appears to be on the move westward. At about 4pm yesterday, July 1, the satellite map at http://www.wildlifetracking.org/index.shtml?tag_id=74435 shows that Camellia is near the boundry of Suffolk […]
June 29, 2010

Azalea Sleeping Around (The Catfish Ponds)

Our girl and diva Azalea has not traveled far since our last map on June 20. As of this morning (June 29) at 11:00am she was perched […]
June 29, 2010

Camellia has Flown 54 Miles

Since fledging from his nest Camellia (NC) has flown 88 kilometers or about 54 miles. The satellite transmitter is still not sending all the data we […]
June 26, 2010

Azalea has Flown 2,300 miles

Azalea remains at the catfish ponds near Plymouth, NC as of this morning, June 26. I forgot to recognize that she had been flying since June […]
June 23, 2010

Azalea Finds New Night-time Roost

Azalea has not traveled far since our last report on June 17. As of this satellite map at 6:00pm June 20, she is in a tree […]
June 18, 2010

Azalea off the Catfish Farm

Azalea has not gone far off the catfish farms, but as of 9:00am June 17 she was just east of W. Mill Pond Road, south of […]
June 16, 2010

Camellia Transmitter Sending Some Data

We know that everyone, including us, has been anxiously awaiting to receive data from the satellite transmitter that is fitted on the back of Camellia (NC). […]
June 14, 2010

Azalea Visits Tyrrell County, NC

Azalea made an overnight flight to Tyrrell County, NC. She left the fish ponds east of Plymouth, NC about 11:00am June 10 flying north of Columbia, […]