EagleTrak Blog

January 9, 2012

Azalea Remains at Lake Smith in Va Beach

Over the past three days Azalea has traveled within the lake Smith watershed in Virginia Beach. Her only  short distance flight was across Diamond Springs Rd […]
January 9, 2012

Camellia Back in First Landing State Park

Camellia began this post in First Landing State Park in Va Beach (www.first-landing-state-park.org) and that is where he is now. However, in between he spent two […]
January 6, 2012

Azalea at Lake Smith Jan 6

Azalea has moved about during the past three days. She began at First Landing State Park (YELLOW arrow Jan 3 at 1:00am). She flew from there […]
January 6, 2012

Camellia at First Landing State Park

Every since our last satellite map, Camellia has remained in the Broad Bay area of Virginia Beach. He started out in Alanton (YELLOW arrow Jan 3 […]
January 3, 2012

Camellia in Alanton – Va Beach

Camellia was last at Brown Cove in Great Neck (YELLOW arrow Dec 31 at 1:00am). On Dec 31 he flew to Lake Christine on Camp Pendleton […]
January 3, 2012

Azalea in First Landing State Park

For the first days of 2012 Azalea has been in the northeast quarter of Virginia Beach. She started out in the Briarwood section of Little Neck (YELLOW […]
December 31, 2011

Azalea in Little Neck Dec 31

Azalea spent most of the past 3 days in First Landing State Park in Va Beach – YELLOW arrow Dec 27 at 6:00pm, PINK pointer Dec 28 […]
December 31, 2011

Camellia at Brown Cove in Great Neck

Camellia has travelled a bit all within Va Beach in the past 3 days. He began at Norfolk Botanical Garden Dec 27 at 6:00pm (YELLOW arrow).  […]
December 28, 2011

Azalea at Cavalier Golf Course & Yacht Club

Azalea is exploring new territory for her. As of the last map she was in flight over Lake James in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow Dec 25 […]
December 28, 2011

Azalea at Cavalier Golf Course & Yacht Club

Azalea is exploring new territory for her. As of the last map she was in flight over Lake James in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow Dec 25 […]
December 28, 2011

Camellia Back at Norfolk Botanical Garden

Camellia was last at Carolanne Farm in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow Dec 24 at 6:00pm) and spent the night there (PINK pointer Dec 25 at 1:00am). […]
December 25, 2011

Azalea in Va Beach for Christmas

Azalea was last in West Belvedere in Norfolk (YELLOW arrow Dec 22 at 1:00am) and spent the day Dec 22 in that location, spending another night […]
December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas From Camellia

CAMELLIA (2010 Purple band NC) sends his best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all his supporters courtesy of photographer Duane Noblick who captured this image (used […]
December 22, 2011

Camellia at Lake Smith Dec 22

Camellia has been touring northern Va Beach again. He was last in Little Neck (YELLOW arrow Dec 19 at 1:00am), then flew a bit northeast to […]
December 22, 2011

Azalea in West Belvedere – Norfolk

Azalea was last in the western Branch area of Portsmouth, Va (YELLOW arrow Dec 19 at 1:00am). She left there mid-day flying over the Norfolk Southern Coal […]
December 19, 2011

Azalea in Portsmouth – Western Branch

Azalea was last in the Great Bridge section of Chesapeake (YELLOW arrow Dec 15 at 3:00pm, but left there right after the time of the last […]
December 19, 2011

Camellia Visits NBG Again!

Camellia spent all day Saturday Dec 17 visiting Lake Whitehurst and Norfolk Botanical Garden- again! He started out this three day period in Little Neck in […]
December 16, 2011

Azalea in Great Bridge, Chesapeake

Azalea was last in Norfolk on the Lafayette River in the Cromwell neighborhood (YELLOW arrow Dec 13 at 10:00am). She flew from there straight to Great […]