EagleTrak Blog

August 19, 2012

Azalea Returns to Poquoson, VA

Just as Azalea has done the past two years she has left the NC Tidewater Research Station and returned to Virginia. She has returned to a place […]
August 19, 2012

Camellia in Georgetown, Chesapeake 8/18

While I was away checking on the Kodiak brown bears in Katmai, Alaska, Camellia spent most of his time in the area of the Eastern Branch […]
August 8, 2012

Azalea Still at Tidewater Research Station

Azalea is doing as she has done for the past two summer seasons. Fly to the NC Tidewater Research Station near Plymouth, NC, spend a few weeks, fly […]
August 8, 2012

Camellia at Bow Creek Golf Course in Va Beach

Camellia has returned to one of the golf courses he has visited before – Bow Creek off Rosemont Road in Virginia Beach. He started this four-day […]
August 7, 2012

KE Flies to Potomac River

Well, KE is following in the flight-steps of Azalea and Camellia by flying to the Potomac River. KE spent three days just west of Hardyville and […]
August 4, 2012

Camellia Still on Pocaty River 8/4

Camellia remains on the very narrow Pocaty River in the Blackwater section of southern rural Chesapeake. Must be finding food there. This is his second visit […]
August 4, 2012

Azalea Remains at TRS 8/4

Just as she has done the past two years, Azalea has returned for an extended stay at the Tidewater Research Station. She seems to be fishing […]
August 2, 2012

Azalea Returns to Plymouth, NC 7/31

As she has done the past two years, Azalea has once again returned to the NC Tidewater Research Station in Plymouth, NC. She was last at […]
August 2, 2012

Camellia Back at Pocaty River

Camellia has done a circuit route this past week. He was last at the Heron Ridge Golf Course off Seaboard Rd in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow […]
July 30, 2012

KE On Piankatank River July 29

Well, when KE decided it was time to leave home she really left home!!! Yesterday, July 29, at 10:00am KE left her Saw Pen Point nest […]
July 29, 2012

Azalea Still at Honey Bee Golf Course

Azalea has spent the past three days flying back and forth between Honey Bee Golf Course and Rosemont Forest Elementery School along the North Landing River […]
July 29, 2012

Camellia at Heron Ridge Golf Course 7/29

Camellia was last at the Buckner Farm neighborhood – YELLOW arrow July 25 at 7:00pm and PINK pointer July 26 at 6:00am. From there he flew […]
July 26, 2012

Azalea at Rosemont Forest School 7/26

Azalea hung out at Honey Bee Golf Course for a few days, then made an overnight visit to the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal, before flying to Rosemont […]
July 26, 2012

Camellia Returns to Buckner Farm 7/25

Camellia has had enough of the Pocaty River for the time being. After staying there for more than a week, he has returned to the Buckner […]
July 26, 2012

KE Still Dependent on Mom for Food

Eagles like to feed early in the morning. If you want to capture images of the action, you have to be there. Here are a few […]
July 23, 2012

KE Still Sticking Close to Home July 19

The Saw Pen Point eagle banded KE and fitted with a cell transmitter on May 22, 2012 has not yet dispersed from her natal nest area. She […]
July 23, 2012

Azalea is at Honey Bee Golf Course 7/23

Azalea has been traveling. Follow the BLUE lines. After leaving the catfish farm I guess she need to stretch her wings. The last map showed her […]
July 23, 2012

Camellia Remains at Pocaty River 7/22

Camellia has found another temporary home, and must be finding food. He has now been at the Pocaty River in Chesapeake since July 12th. He is […]