EagleTrak Blog

September 12, 2012

Azalea – It’s Catfish Time Again

No surprise at all. Azalea just made a brief stopover in South Mills on her way back to the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station and the […]
September 12, 2012

Camellia at King & Queen County Landfill 9/12

Camellia has found the King and Queen County Landfill that Azalea visited in November 2010. Although Camellia has visited other landfills, this is his first time […]
September 9, 2012

Azalea in South Mills, NC 9/9

Azalea has also been on the move, but in the opposite direction – south bound. After a couple weeks in Poquoson, VA – YELLOW arrow Sept […]
September 9, 2012

Camellia Travels to King and Queen County, VA

OK – Had enough of Tidewater for the time being. Camellia was last in Portsmouth on the Western Branch of the Elizabeth River – YELLOW arrow Sept […]
September 6, 2012

Azalea – Poquoson Sept 5

Azalea is still flying about Poquoson, VA. Not much to describe so here are her data points – YELLOW arrow Sept 3 at 4:00pm, PINK pointer […]
September 6, 2012

Camellia in Portsmouth

After spending most of the day Sept 3 on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River near Carolanne Farms YELLOW arrow Sept 3 at 1:00am, he […]
September 4, 2012

Azalea Still in Poquoson, VA 9/3

Azalea did take one brief flight on Sept 3 to the Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, but other than that she has remained in Poquoson, […]
September 4, 2012

Camellia Back at Carolanne Farms 9/3

Camellia seems to be attracted to certain places and returns often. Carolanne Farms on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River is one of those places. […]
September 1, 2012

Azalea Still in Poquoson 8/31

Not much to tell from the travels of Azalea. She seems to have found a home in the Peninsula community of Poquoson, VA. Here are her […]
September 1, 2012

Camellia Near Pungo in Va Beach 8/31

Camellia has gone back to the country at least for a brief period. He was last at Carolanne Farms on the Elizabeth River near Kempsville – […]
August 31, 2012

KE at King George County Landfill 8/30

Well KE  spent almost a month in one small area in Westmoreland County, VA just west of Sandy Point – July 31 to Aug 29. The […]
August 29, 2012

Azalea Remains in Poquoson, VA 8/28

Azalea spent a couple days checking out Grandview Beach and Nature Preserve in Hampton (she has been there before), but has returned to Poquoson and the […]
August 29, 2012

Camellia at Carolanne Farms 8/28

After spending a couple nights at Brown Cove in Great Neck, Camellia has moved back to Carolanne Farms in Kempsville on the Elizabeth River in Virginia […]
August 26, 2012

Azalea Back at Grandview in Hampton, VA

Azalea remains on the Peninsula flying about Grafton, Poquoson and Grandview. Here are her data points – YELLOW arrow Aug 22 at 4:00pm, PINK pointer Aug […]
August 26, 2012

Camellia on Tour Again 8/25

Well after spending a few days on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River – YELLOW arrow Aug 22 at 1:00am, Camellia has been on a […]
August 23, 2012

KE Still at Sandy Point on the Potomac River

From Aug 2 – YELLOW arrow – through Aug 16 – WHITE arrow – KE has remained on the shores of the Potomac River west of […]
August 22, 2012

Azalea Remains on the Peninsula 8/22

Azalea has also not gone far. She has been flying all about the Poquoson area the past few days. Her data points – YELLOW arrow Aug […]
August 22, 2012

Camellia on Elizabeth River 8/22

Camellia has not gone far. After being in the Georgetown neighborhood – YELLOW arrow Aug 18 at 7:00pm, he flew a short distance to the Eastern […]