Azalea remains on the Peninsula flying about Grafton, Poquoson and Grandview. Here are her data points – YELLOW arrow Aug 22 at 4:00pm, PINK pointer Aug 23 at 6:00am, GREEN pointer Aug 24 at 1:00am, and as of this satellite map WHITE arrow Aug 25 at 1:00am.

Az is having the time of her life traveling…but it is time to come home to Carolina..Ha Reese has she followed this same pattern every year ? Is there a map to show this ? Thank you for keeping us informed on the travels of our beloved Eagles…
Response – Look at this site. It shows Azalea and Camellia travels through Dec 31, 2011 –
You can zoom in and out with the map.
With all the rain in that area in the last few days, I hope she is hunkered down or has moved on.