EagleTrak Blog

July 27, 2014

Camellia Flies to Lafayette River – Norfolk 7/26

I have received a rare one-day map for Camellia. Usually maps are for a three-day period. Shortly after 10am on July 26, Camellia made a bee-line […]
July 26, 2014

Camellia at St Brides Correctional Center July 25

Camellia has of late been visiting the St Brides Correctional Center (https://vadoc.virginia.gov/facilities/eastern/st-brides/) off Sanderson Rd in Chesapeake. There are a couple large ponds on the prison […]
July 26, 2014

Grace Remains at Hog Island WMA July 25 5pm

Grace remains at Hog Island Wildlife Management Area on the James River in Virginia. In addition to being a known concentration area for bald eagles, Dr […]
July 24, 2014

Camellia Off Hungarian Rd July 23, 2014

Camellia made an overnight visit to Nanney’s Creek in Virginia Beach on July 22/23. As of this satellite map he is right on the Virginia Beach/Chesapeake […]
July 24, 2014

Grace Leaves Home July 22, 2014

Grace has disbursed from her natal nest area in Virginia Beach. Shortly after 9:00am July 22, 2014, Grace headed west across Norfolk and Portsmouth. Near the […]
July 22, 2014

Grace Expanding Her Range July 21, 2014

On July 17 I was on the Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach finishing up the 2014 banding and survey of Osprey by the Center for Conservation […]
July 21, 2014

Camellia at Sanderson Rd, Chesapeake 7/20

Camellia made a brief flight to Mill Creek off Route 17 and Cedar Rd on July 18 (Green), but returned to the farms off Sanderson Rd […]
July 20, 2014

Grace Continues to Stay Close to Home 7/19/2014

As of July 19, 2014 Grace and her sibling sister continue to stick close to home. Satellite data shows that Grace has not wandered more than […]
July 18, 2014

Camellia Returns to Head of River Rd 7/16

Where is Camellia? Camellia returned to Head of River Rd on July 15 about 11am. He has been here a few times recently foraging in the […]
July 15, 2014

Grace Beginning to Expand Her Range July 14

Grace has begun to stretch her wings a bit further. For the past three mornings at 7am she has either been at the west end of […]
July 15, 2014

Camellia Visiting Shillelagh Rd – Chesapeake 7/14

Camellia has been visiting the area near the Grassfield section of Chesapeake off Shillelagh Rd. Looks like a large working farm with wide retention ponds is where Camellia […]
July 12, 2014

Camellia Visits North Carolina Again July 11

For this satellite data period Camellia has made another round trip into the Gibbs Woods section of Currituck County, NC. He arrived about Noon on July 9  […]
July 10, 2014

More Photos of Grace and Sister

Photographer Beverly Nettleton has provided these photos of Grace and her sister. Photos 1, 2, and 3 were taken July 7. Photo 4 taken today, July […]
July 9, 2014

Grace and Sister Flying Over Thalia July 9

This morning, July 9, Grace and her sister were flying high over the Thalia neighborhood in Virginia Beach about one mile from their nest. This indicates […]
July 9, 2014

Camellia South of Hickory in Chesapeake July 8

Camellia has been wandering all about souhtern Virginia Beach and Chesapeake for the past two weeks. As of this satellite map he is off Murray Dr […]
July 9, 2014

Grace Begins To Spread Her Wings July 7

Grace is still not wandering very far from her natal nest tree, but she has now flown across the western branch of the Lynnhaven River about […]
July 7, 2014

Grace, Camellia, and more…

Grace Grace is still cruising close to home. The tracking data shows she’s only flying across the river ~600′ from bank to bank. We’ll see her […]
July 2, 2014

I’m filling in for Reese this week while he’s off adventuring. I will attempt to fill his shoes here for a few days.  We greatly appreciate […]