Grace is still cruising close to home. The tracking data shows she’s only flying across the river ~600′ from bank to bank. We’ll see her slowly expand her range as she gets more and more experience flying and begins exploring the area. Shelly Fowler was gracious enough to share these photos of Grace flying around her natal territory. Thank you Shelly!
Camellia visited the St. Brides Correctional Center in Chesapeake, VA on July 4 and on July 5th. Maybe inspiring patriotism and other noble feelings in the prisoners? Anything is possible!
We are often asked why we track eagles and how our data is used to conserve eagles and their habitats. CCB has several uses for the transmitter data one of which is looking at movement corridors for eagles. This particular map is a model of Camellia’s movements. What we look for is movement paths used repeatedly over time that can represent “flight corridors”. Camellia, Azalea, Grace, and KE are part of a larger eagle tracking study CCB continues to conduct in the region on over 70 eagles. Combining data from this large sample size allows us to look for population level flight corridors. Locating where these flight corridors are and understanding why the eagles are in a certain location can be very useful in eagle management. Various government planning and conservation agencies can use this information to avoid erecting new structures (wind turbines, electrical distribution lines, etc) that have the potential harm flying eagles.
On Camellia’s map we can see definite hot spots of movements (red color) around Lake Anna, multiple landfills, and the Norfolk/Virginia Beach region. Available prey resources (yes, landfill food counts as “prey” in this context) are a major driving force in why eagles move across the landscape as shown in Camellia’s map. I’ve noted the NBG nest only for your reference since it’s hard to see the base map.
ps. I realized I hadn’t approved comments for the last post since Reese normally handles it. Sorry!
Thanks for filling in Libby! We appreciate it. I enjoy seeing how you use the information gathered by tracking these eagles. Thanks Shelly for sharing the pics! Grace is a real beauty!
Thank you for the update! Thank you Shelly for the pictures of Grace!
Thank you for the photo Ms Shelly.She is a beautiful”Big” girl..Cam so close ..come on down stinker..Thank you Ms Libby for the updates and fascinating information..I know it must be a busy time for you.
Thanks for posting, Libby. Vice photos, Shelly, thank you very much for sharing. Hope to see you sometime. Cammy, stay away from the prison!
Outstanding pics, Shelly. Thanks so much! Grace is a gorgeous young eagle!
The overlay of Cam’s movement is really interesting! It will be fun to compare it with our other blog celebrities, altho I think Azalea’s and KE’s will have opposing bulges; Azalea’s to the south and KE’s to the north? Maybe we will get to check it out one of these days.
Thanks Libby and Reese!