EagleTrak Blog

September 25, 2011

Azalea Still at Mouth of Little Wicomico River 9/24

Azalea remains in the same place doing the same thing as in our last report. She is flying all about the mouth of the Little Wicomico […]
September 25, 2011

Camellia Remains on Elizabeth River

As he has done in the past, Camellia is hanging out on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River between Military Highway (US 13) and I-64. […]
September 22, 2011

Azalea Remains Near Little Wicomico River 9/21

Azalea has not wandered far since her last satellite map at 1:00am Sept 18. She has stayed right along the shore of the Potomac River and […]
September 22, 2011

Camellia Settles Down on Elizabeth River

After more than a week of wandering all over Virginia Beach, Camellia has settled down in a place very familiar to him – the Eastern Branch […]
September 19, 2011

Azalea Remains in Northumberland County

Azalea has been doing a lot of flying the past three days, but all within Northumberland County. She has circled around the eastern portion of the […]
September 19, 2011

Camellia Still Flying Around Virginia Beach

Camellia did stretch his wings the past three days. After spending all day Sept 15 on Thalia Creek near Princess Anne High School, he left at […]
September 16, 2011

Azalea and NX in Northumberland County

Azalea has returned to very familiar territory. During the 2009 and 2010 fall seasons Azalea spent a lot of time in Lancaster and Northumberland Counties. That […]
September 16, 2011

Camellia – Urbanized Bald Eagle

Camellia continues to show that he is a highly urbanized bald eagle. For a year now Camellia has spent the vast majority of his time in […]
September 13, 2011

Camellia returns to Lake Whitehurst, Azalea explores Fleet Bay

Thanks for your patience with posting new maps for these two eagles. Reese should be back to his regular posts soon! — Libby   Camellia left […]
September 5, 2011

Azalea near Langley AFB, Camellia near Back Bay NWR

Camellia spent last Wednesday near the Stumpy Lake Country Club then moved to the Glenwood Honeybee Country Club on Thursday (do I sense a theme here?). […]
August 31, 2011

Post Hurricane Irene Check In

We’re happy to announce both Bald Eagles survived Hurricane Irene that hit the Eastern US over the weekend. Both maps below can be clicked on to […]
August 25, 2011

Camellia Makes Loop Around Va Beach

We start and end with Camellia in the same place – at the end of Richardson Rd in Witchduck area of Virginia Beach. However, he has […]
August 25, 2011

Azalea At Tidewater Research Station for 16th Time

Azalea stayed overnight at Tide Mill Pond in Hampton, VA, then left at 9:00am Aug 22 heading south back to the marsh at the intersection of I-64 […]
August 22, 2011

Azalea at Tide Mill Pond – Hampton, VA

Azalea has not gone very far since our last map, just a couple miles north across I-64 to Tide Mill Pond. She stayed in the marshy […]
August 22, 2011

Camellia Back in Witchduck in Va Beach

Camellia left Little Creek Reservoir early on the morning of Aug 19 and flew to the Witchduck area of Virginia Beach. To be more specific, the […]
August 19, 2011

Azalea in Hampton, VA Aug 19

Azalea has also returned southward. She left Westmoreland County about 10:00am Aug 16 and flew to Poquoson, VA where she spent the night on Chisman Creek. […]
August 19, 2011

Camellia Back in Va Beach 8/18

Camellia is back in Virginia Beach on Little Creek Reservoir in Diamond Springs near Shore Dr. He left the Gloucester County landfill about 10:00am Aug 16 […]
August 16, 2011

Camellia at Gloucester County Landfill 8/16

Just like Azalea, Camellia has been on the move. Perhaps the satellite has had a time keeping up, but I finally got a new Camellia map. […]