EagleTrak Blog

March 2, 2012

Azalea Back at Lafayette River – Norfolk

Azalea did not stay in Great Bridge for long (YELLOW arrow Feb 27 at 1:00am). About 11:00am Feb 27 she flew north directly to the Norfolk […]
March 2, 2012

Camellia at Lake Bradford, Va Beach 3/1

Camellia has basically been in two places in Virginia Beach the past 4 days. He started out in Great Neck (YELLOW arrow Feb 27 at 8:00am) […]
February 27, 2012

Azalea in Great Bridge, Chesapeake 2/27

Azalea began this period at Red Wing Golf Course (YELLOW arrow Feb 24 at 5:00pm) and spent the night there (PINK pointer Feb 25 at 1:00am). […]
February 27, 2012

Camellia Back in Great Neck 2/27

Camellia has been a challenge to keep up the past three days. He started out on Lake Whitehurst (YELLOW arrow Feb 24 at 1:00am). He first […]
February 24, 2012

Camellia Returns to Lake Whitehurst

Camellia began this three day period in flight over Little Neck in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow Feb 21 at 2:00pm). She then turned north flying to […]
February 24, 2012

Azalea Returns to Red Wing Golf Course

Azalea has made a 5-day round trip from Red Wing Golf Course (Feb 19) to Red Wing Golf Course (Feb 24). She began the past three days […]
February 21, 2012

Azalea Travels into Chesapeake

Azalea is on the move again, although not too far. She began this three day period in Alanton in Va Beach (YELLOW arrow Feb 18 at […]
February 21, 2012

Camellia Flies to Little Neck 2/21

Camellia began this three day period at Lake Taylor in Norfolk (YELLOW arrow Feb 18 at noon). For the first two days all he did was […]
February 18, 2012

Camellia at Lake Taylor – Norfolk 2/18 Noon

Camellia, like Azalea, has been staying in the same general location the past 4 days – flying back and forth across I-64 from Lake Taylor to Lake Whitehurst. […]
February 18, 2012

Azalea Still in Alanton 2/18

Azalea has not gone far since her last satellite report. In fact look close to see that the YELLOW, GREEN and WHITE markers are all in […]
February 14, 2012

Azalea at First Landing State Park 2/14

Azalea has also been traveling. She began in the Western Branch section of Portsmouth (YELLOW arrow Feb 11 at 6:00pm) where she also spent the night […]
February 14, 2012

Camellia on Tour Again

Camellia has been traveling about Virginia Beach again. He began his journey at Lake Joyce near Chesapeake Bay (YELLOW arrowFeb 11 at 9:00am). He made a […]
February 12, 2012

Azalea in Portsmouth Again Feb 11

Azalea has also been traveling since our last satellite map. She was last in the Pembroke area of Virginia Beach (YELLOW arrow Feb 8 at 9:00am. […]
February 12, 2012

Camellia Back at Lake Joyce Feb 11

Camellia has been on the move visiting several locations. He began this 4 day period in Wolfsnare Plantation (YELLOW arrow Feb 8 at 9am). He spent […]
February 8, 2012

Azalea in Pembroke – Va Beach

I know we were all hoping that Azalea and Camellia were both in Wolfsnare at the same time, but that was just wishful thinking. Azalea was […]
February 8, 2012

Camellia in Wolfsnare Feb 8 (Great Neck)

Camellia is now in one of the neighborhoods that Azalea has been visiting – Wolfsnare. Camellia began this period in Green Hills (YELLOW arrow Feb 5 […]
February 5, 2012

Azalea in Chesopeian Colony, Va Beach

This has been an interesting week following the travels of Azalea and Camellia. They are both traveling in the Great Neck area of Virginia Beach, but […]
February 5, 2012

Camellia Still at Green Hills Farm

Camellia has been exploring the Broad Bay area of Virginia Beach the past three days. He started at Green Hills Farm off Duke of York Quay […]