EagleTrak Blog

December 31, 2012

Camellia – No New Data

Just to let all our eagletrak fans know that there has been no new satellite data about the whereabouts of Camellia. Now appears certain that his […]
December 28, 2012

Camellia in Little Neck Dec 25

It may be too early to know for certain, but it appears that the solar battery on the satellite transmitter Camellia is wearing has given out. […]
December 28, 2012

Azalea on St Julian Creek – Chesapeake 12/27

Azalea is visiting a new place for her – St Julian Creek in the Brentwood section of Chesapeake, VA. She remained in the Edinburgh section of […]
December 25, 2012

Azalea in Edinburgh (Chesapeake, VA) Dec 25

Azalea is checking out a brand new housing neighborhood in Chesapeake called Edinburgh, which is off the Chesapeake Bypass near the Hillcrest Parkway exit. Azalea was […]
December 25, 2012

Camellia at Bay Island – VB Dec 24

Camellia sends Holiday Greetings from Bay Island on Broad Bay in Virginia Beach. He did not move far during the past three days, although it seems […]
December 22, 2012

Camellia Near Lynnhaven Inlet – VB 12/22

Camellia is back in Virginia Beach and appears to be in flight near Lynnhaven Inlet at 9:00am Dec 22. No satellite data was transmitted from 1:00am […]
December 22, 2012

Azalea Returns to Virginia Beach 12/22

Azalea was at Signature Golf Course off Indian River Rd in Virginia Beach at 1:00am this morning Dec 22. After spending several weeks away, Azalea has […]
December 19, 2012

Azalea Returns to Harwoods Mill Reservoir 12/19

Azalea is still in York County, VA – Newport News Park – north end of Harwoods Mill Reservoir. After spending a few days exploring the Poquoson […]
December 19, 2012

Camellia Remains Near Benefit Rd 12/19

Just as he has done in the past, when Camellia finds a place that he likes he stays for several days. He remains south of the […]
December 16, 2012

Azalea Still At Poquoson River 12/15

For the past three days Azalea has remained on the Poquoson River and the southern end of Harwoods Mill Reservior in York County, VA. Her data […]
December 16, 2012

Camellia in Southern Chesapeake 12/16

Camellia was last on Mason Creek in Norfolk – YELLOW arrow Dec 12 at 6:00pm. From there he flew west into Isle of Wight County and […]
December 14, 2012

KE Remains On Pamunkey River 12/13

Since Nov 13 the Saw Pen Point bald eagle from Virginia Beach called KE (because of the purple leg band she is wearing) has stayed around […]
December 13, 2012

Azalea on Poquoson River Dec 13

Azalea stayed at the north end of Harwoods Mill Reservoir for the past 3 days until late yesterday. Her data points are YELLOW arrow Dec 10 […]
December 13, 2012

Camellia on Mason Creek – Norfolk 12/12

Well, Camellia continues to explore Virginia Beach and Norfolk. He began this 3 day period in Kings Grant in Virginia Beach – YELLOW arrow Dec 10 […]
December 10, 2012

Azalea Returns to Harwoods Mill Reservoir

Azalea is still on what we locals call “The Peninsula”. She began in Tabb, VA – YELLOW arrow Dec 7 at 1:00am. From there she flew […]
December 10, 2012

Camellia in Kings Grant Dec 10 at 10AM

Camellia has been wandering around Virginia Beach again. He began at Buckner Farm off Rosemont Rd – YELLOW arrow Dec 7 at 10:00am. From there he […]
December 10, 2012

KE Still in Hanover – Pamunkey River 12/6

KE seems to have found a home, at least for the time being. She has been in Hanover County on the Pamunkey River since Nov 15. […]
December 7, 2012

Azalea in Tabb, VA 12/07

Azalea is slowly working her way south. She was last in Gloucester County at the intersection of US Rt 17 and Burleigh Rd and stayed there […]