EagleTrak Blog

February 14, 2013

Azalea at Nanney Creek, Va Beach Feb 13

Somewhat like Camellia, Azalea has been on a tour of Virginia Beach including the same areas, but not at the same time. She spent a few […]
February 14, 2013

Camellia in Dam Neck, Va Beach Feb 14

Camellia began this three day period across from First Colonial High School in Virginia Beach – YELLOW arrow Feb 10 at 5:00pm. He then flew a […]
February 13, 2013

KE Has Been Traveling Again – Feb 7

Our last report Jan 17 on KE showed her to be at the mouth of the Chichahominy River which flows into the James River -YELLOW arrow […]
February 11, 2013

Azalea in Thoroughgood, Va Beach 2/11

Azalea has flown to the Thoroughgood neighborhood in Virginia Beach as of 8:00am this morning. She did stay in the Hillcrest area of Chesapeake through the […]
February 11, 2013

Camellia Near First Colonial High School 2/10

Camellia has been flying all about northern Virginia Beach, Little Neck, Great Neck, Fort Story, First Landing State Park, and as of this map on Mill […]
February 8, 2013

Camellia in Great Neck, Va Beach 2/7

Once again the satellite transmitter for Camellia is sending very little data, meaning the solar battery is low. However, we did get enough data to know […]
February 8, 2013

Azalea Returns to Hillcrest in Chesapeake Feb 8

After a brief visit to Newport News and Hampton, Azalea has returned to the Hillcrest area in Chesapeake, Va, including a stop behind the Home Depot […]
February 5, 2013

Azalea Flies to Newport News Feb 5

Azalea has crossed Hampton Roads Harbor back to Newport News, VA as of 1:00am Feb 5. She spent the rest of the past three days in […]
February 5, 2013

Camellia is in Kings Grant Feb 5

As of 1:00am Feb 5 Camellia is in Kings Grant in Virginia Beach off N. Lynnhaven Rd and Edinburgh Dr. He spent most of the past […]
February 2, 2013

Azalea at Fort Story in Va Beach Feb 1

Azalea has flown to Fort Story Military Base in Virginia Beach. This is also known as Cape Henry as this is where Captain John Smith and […]
February 2, 2013

Camellia Returns to Virginia Beach Feb 2

Camellia has concluded his visit to Currituck County, NC and returned to familiar territory in the West Neck Creek Natural Area in Virginia Beach. He first […]
January 30, 2013

Azalea Leaves Hillcrest Area Jan 30

As of 7:00am this morning – Jan 30 – Azalea appears to be in flight between Salem Rd and Dam Neck Rd in Virginia Beach. She […]
January 30, 2013

Camellia Remains in Currituck County, NC 1/29

Camellia is flying about all over the Currituck County, NC communities of Maple and Barco where one of our eagle viewers lives. Here are his data […]
January 27, 2013

Camellia in Currituck County, NC Jan 27

Immediately after our last posting for Camellia he flew south into Currituck County, NC and is still there as of this morning. He is just west […]
January 27, 2013

Azalea – Photo Diva at Hillcrest Jan 27

Our excellent eagle photographers are providing plenty of documentation to supplement the satellite tracking data to confirm where Azalea is located, but also what she is […]
January 24, 2013

Camellia on Pocaty River Jan 24

We have data again for Camellia, however, he sent no data between Jan 18 at 6:00pm and Jan 21 at Noon. As of his last report […]
January 24, 2013

Azalea Remains in Hillcrest Area 1/23

Azalea remains in the same area she has been in for the past week – off Hillcrest Parkway in Chesapeake. Her photograph has been taken again […]
January 24, 2013

KE Makes Long Circuit Flight – Jan 17, 2013

Chickahominy to Chickahominy!! When we last received a call from KE she was at the mouth of the Chickahominy River – YELLOW arrow Jan 1 at […]