Center for Conservation Biology

March 23, 2010

Azalea Makes Quick Visit to Norfolk

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!! Bet you thought when you heard that Azalea was in Currituck County that she flew straight there from Bertie County. That would have […]
March 22, 2010

Crop, Ears, Feather Tracts

Photo 1 – The Crop – Every day the question is asked “What is the crop?” In short it is a pantry or storage area below […]
March 20, 2010

Azalea back in Currituck County, NC

Azalea did not stay in Bertie County, NC very long. As of midnight March 20 she was near Shawboro, NC in Currituck County. Map later.
March 19, 2010

Sunrise Breakfast from Dad

Dad feeding breakfast to the three eaglets at sunrise March 19. Click on photos to enlarge.
March 18, 2010

Azalea Flies West to Bertie County, NC

Azalea remained in the area of Roper, NC throughout March 15 and 16. She found a large catfish farm off  Research Station Rd. She roosted overnight […]
March 18, 2010

Down and Thermal System

In our world of animals, only birds grow feathers. Most birds are hatched with feathers called down, also known as plumulaceous. That is what we see […]
March 18, 2010

Azalea Still on the Move

Restless Azalea has moved on again. She now appears to have flown NW about 30 miles and is in western Bertie County, NC. May have a new […]
March 16, 2010

It’s a Really Big World Out There!!

“Wow! It sure does look like a big world out there. Wonder what’s on the other side of these sticks and pine straw? My dad is […]
March 16, 2010

It's a Really Big World Out There!!

“Wow! It sure does look like a big world out there. Wonder what’s on the other side of these sticks and pine straw? My dad is […]
March 15, 2010

Azalea Near Plymouth, NC

Azalea continues to prove that she is a wanderer and explorer. On Mar 8 at 5 pm she was on the Wildlife Drive at Mattamuskeet National […]
March 15, 2010

Feeding Three Hungry Eaglets

Now that incubating and hatching of the three eggs is complete, the next chore for the adults is to keep three hungry eaglets fed. The hatchlings […]
March 15, 2010

New Territory to Explore for Azalea

For the past few days, Azalea has been exploring new territory in North Carolina. She left Mattamuskeet NWR and flew about 25 miles NW to an area […]
March 14, 2010

Three Eaglets Confirmed in NBG Nest

Well the Norfolk Botanical Garden bald eagles have done it again – produced three eaglets. Sometime overnight the third eaglet hatched. At 9:09 this morning I […]
March 14, 2010

March 14 Two Eaglets

This morning, Sunday March 14, the camera is working but it cannot be moved or adjusted. There was a power failure last night. However, the camera […]
March 13, 2010

Red knot numbers remain strong along the Virginia Barrier Islands

March 13, 2010

2 Eaglets this Morning March 13, 2010, Third egg Pipped

The second eaglet hatched during the night. The exact time of hatching was not observed so midnight March 13 is the time that will be used […]
March 12, 2010

NBG Chick #1 Photo Gallery

These are photos of eaglet #1 who hatched March 11th with her mom early this morning. The eaglet is being given droplets of moisture from the […]
March 11, 2010

First Hatchling March 11, 2010

Today, March 11, 2010, the most anticipated event of the season became reality – the first eagle hatchling in the nest at Norfolk Botanical Garden. At […]