Center for Conservation Biology

September 13, 2017

Hope survives

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 September 13, 2017 Irma, the storm that began as a puff of wind off the western coast of […]
September 12, 2017

The leaving ecology of whimbrel

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 September 12, 2017 We have spent years standing on Box Tree Dock listening for their rallying calls through […]
September 11, 2017

Grace Visits Norfolk Returns to Surry County 20170911

Grace made a brief one-day visit to Mason Creek and Bayview in Norfolk. She made the 40-mile one-way flight on Sept 5 then flew right back […]
September 11, 2017

Grace Visits Norfolk-Back to Surry 20170911

Grace is still in Surry County Virginia on the James River. But, on Sept 5 she made a 40 mile flight to the Mason Creek/Bayview section […]
September 4, 2017

Grace at Pipsico Scout Reservation 9/2/2017

Grace has remained in Surry County Virginia along the James River all week. As of this map Grace is at or near the Pipsico Boy Scout […]
August 28, 2017

Grace Flies to James River – Aug 27, 2017

Grace has returned to the James River north of Spring Grove, VA. She has been in this area a few times in the past. This satellite […]
August 21, 2017

Grace at Stumpy Lake Aug 18, 2017

Grace has finally left the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station and has flown north to Stumpy Lake in Virginia Beach, VA. Only have satellite data for […]
August 14, 2017

Grace Still At TRS Aug 12, 2017

Grace spent another week at the Tidewater Research Station east of Plymouth, NC. WHITE arrow shows her location as of this satellite map Aug 12 at […]
August 7, 2017

Grace Spends Week at TRS Aug 6, 2017

Grace spent the entire week at the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station in Washington County. Limited satellite data again on July 28, 31 and Aug 3, […]
July 31, 2017

Grace Returns to TRS July 28 2017

Limited satellite data once again. Only a few data points on July 22, 25 and 28. But enough data to know that Grace stopped off near […]
July 24, 2017

Grace Leaves TRS Flies East July 22, 2017

Grace has flown east to the edge of Albemarle Sound. She first stopped off on July 19 at Creswell, NC where she has been several times […]
July 17, 2017

Grace Remains at TRS July 16, 2017

Grace remains at the private catfish ponds and Tidewater Agriculture Research Station east of Plymouth, NC. Grace left home in Virginia Beach on July 22, 2014 […]
July 13, 2017

National Park Service and CCB continue to assess exposure of eagle nestlings to contaminants

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 July 13, 2017 The National Park Service (NPS) is the keeper of our most precious crowned jewels. It […]
July 12, 2017

Crossover Knots

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 July 12, 2017 HHE is a red knot with the code “HHE” stamped in black letters on a […]
July 11, 2017

James River eagle recovery enters final chapter

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 July 11, 2017 One of the enduring questions in population ecology is: what determines the size of a […]
July 10, 2017

Late arrival and breeding in juvenile-plumaged night herons

By Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247 July 10, 2017 Age to first breeding is a relatively consistent trait across heron species and typically coincides […]
July 10, 2017

Grace at Tidewater Research Station July 10, 2017

Grace never left the area of the North Carolina Tidewater Agriculture Research Station and private catfish farm. At least as far as the data reveals. There […]
July 5, 2017

Cliff swallow population explosion continues in coastal Virginia

Cliff swallows are a wonder to see up close. Adults are richly colored in a combination of deep chestnut, cream, blue, and salmon that is reminiscent […]