Center for Conservation Biology

October 1, 2010

Azalea Remains in Northumberland County 9/30/10

Azalea is revisiting places in Northumberland County, VA where she spent most of the fall of 2009. Since our last map on 9/26 she has stayed […]
September 27, 2010

Azalea and Camellia – One Map Sept 26

Azalea and Camellia are close enough to each other to place them both on one map. Camellia is the white data point and Azalea is the […]
September 27, 2010

Adult Eagles in Nest Tree Sept 27, 2010

Both of the adult bald eagles were in the nest tree early this morning, Sept 27, 2010. I believe the male – back branch – was […]
September 24, 2010

Azalea on James River at Claremont, VA

After spending a couple days at Lone Star Lakes in Suffolk, VA, Azalea has moved on northward a short distance to the James River. She left […]
September 24, 2010

Camellia Leaves Lake Anna

Camellia arrived at Lake Anna on August 14 and remained in the area around the lake until 11:00 Sept 21 when he flew northeast. By 1:30pm […]
September 20, 2010

Azalea Moving North Again on Sept 16

Azalea left the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station at Plymouth, NC about 11:00am on Sept 16 flying north across Chowan County and Gates County and back into […]
September 20, 2010

Camellia Sighted on Lake Anna 9/19

Camellia continues to explore the southern parts of Lake Anna. It appears certain that Camellia was spotted yesterday – Sunday Sept 19 – between 6:00 and […]
September 16, 2010

Visit a Banding Station and/or Hawk Watch

Earlier this week Libby Mojica filled-in for me while I was out of town in Duluth, MN visiting Hawk Ridge, one of the major bird migration […]
September 16, 2010

Azalea Still Resting at Fish Ponds 9/15

Not much new to report about Azalea. She is still resting from her long flight to the Potomac River a couple weeks ago. She did spend […]
September 16, 2010

Camellia Remains at Lake Anna 9/14

Camellia has stayed close to Lake Anna since our last report. Other than one afternoon flight on Sept 9 he has remained around the lake south […]
September 13, 2010

No surprises

Libby here, reporting on the movements of our two transmittered eagles. Reese is off hawkwatching this weekend at one of the great migration sites in North […]
September 10, 2010

Azalea At Rest After Long Flight

Azalea is doing just what has become typical of her after taking one of her long journeys – resting at the catfish ponds. This would have […]
September 10, 2010

Camellia Continues Lake Anna Exploring 9/8/10

Camellia continues to explore the Lake Anna environs and as of this map on Sept 8 at 7pm he is just south of the Dominion Virginia […]
September 9, 2010

Adult Sits Next to Camera 09-09-10

For the first time in a couple months, one of the adult eagles at NBG – female I think – sat next to the camera and […]
September 7, 2010

Adult Eagles in Roost Tree Sept 7

Eagle cam photos of the NBG adult eagles in roost tree on evening of Sept 7. Photo 1 is the male. He was joined by the […]
September 7, 2010

Azalea – Remarkable Roundtrip to Potomac River

Azalea is just remarkable!!! The following is a description of her most recent epic roundtrip from the North Carolina State Tidewater Research Station at Plymouth, NC to […]
September 7, 2010

Camellia Stays at Lake Anna Thru Sept 5

Camellia has remained at Lake Anna in Louisa and Spotsylvania Counties since the last satellite map om Aug 29 at 7pm. He has flown from one […]
August 30, 2010

Camellia Remains at Lake Anna Aug 29

Two Camellia maps as of 7pm Sunday Aug 29, including a close-up of the Lake Anna area in Spotsylvania and Louisa Counties, VA. Other than two […]