Center for Conservation Biology

November 12, 2010

Camellia Remains East of Fredericksburg, VA

Camellia has not traveled very far since our last satellite map on Oct 31. He has either been in King George County or across the Rappahannock […]
November 12, 2010

Azalea Going from Dump to Dump

Since Halloween Azalea has spent most of her time at landfills (yes – plural!! – landfills). She left Northumberland county on the afternoon of Oct 31 […]
November 1, 2010

Azalea Leaves Northumberland County for Halloween

Since the last map on Oct 25, Azalea has spent most of her time on the Little Wicomico River between Ophelia, Edwardsville and Burgess. This is an […]
November 1, 2010

Camellia Returns to King George County, VA

After spend about 8 days exploring Northumberland and Lancaster counties on the Northern Peninsula of Virginia, Camellia has returned to King George County just north of Douge, […]
October 28, 2010

Overnight Roost in Nest Tree

The adults for the past couple weeks or more have been roosting overnight in either the nest tree or the camera tree. Last night both were […]
October 27, 2010

Female Still Has Black Head Feather

Last eagle season one way to identify the female adult eagle at Norfolk Botanical Garden was by a single black feather in the top of her […]
October 27, 2010

Red Sunrise at NBG Oct 27

For the past 4 weeks the two NBG eagle adults have been frequenting the two front branches of the nest tree early in the morning. A […]
October 26, 2010

Camellia Flies to Lancaster County

Camellia left King George County, VA about 11am Oct 22 and has flown east into Lancaster County. He has spent the past 3 days along State […]
October 25, 2010

Camellia Leaves the Landfill

After spending most of the past two weeks at the King George County Landfill, Camellia left there on Oct 19 and has since then been a […]
October 25, 2010

Azalea Getting Reacquainted

Azalea is wandering all about getting reacquained with all the places she visited last fall. So she has been to Northumberland, Middlesex, Gloucester, King & Queen […]
October 18, 2010

A landfill weekend

Libby here filling in for Reese this week. You may have guessed from the title of this post that the two tracked eagles are currently at […]
October 13, 2010

Azalea Re-Exploring Little Wicomico River

Azalea has spent the past couple weeks re-exploring parts of Northumberland County, VA with which she became familiar last fall. She has been concentrating on the […]
October 13, 2010

Camellia Remains in King George County Oct 13

Camellia has spent the past two weeks exploring Caroline and King George Counties in Virginia between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers east of Fredericksburg. Oct 4-7 […]
October 6, 2010

Adults in Nest Tree Oct 6

Adults arrive at nest tree – love branch – 3:30pm Fly to branches below nest Return to love branch Female up close Male even closer
October 4, 2010

Excursions on the Northern Neck of Virginia

Libby here, covering for Reese today. Both eagles from the Norfolk Botanical Gardens continue to explore the Northern Neck of Virginia. “Neck” is another word for […]
October 3, 2010

Adult in Rain 10-03-10, Etc

One of the adults sat through the rain this morning, Oct 3, on the love branch in the nest tree. After the adult eagle left a […]
October 1, 2010

Adults Visit Nest Tree Oct 1

About 6:40 this evening Oct 1, 2010 both of the adult eagles flew to the roost tree together. They only stayed there a couple of minutes […]
October 1, 2010

Camellia Still in King George County 9/29/10

Like Azalea, Camellia has not traveled far since our last satellite map. The difference is that Azalea went east and Camellia went west, so that they […]