Center for Conservation Biology

June 20, 2011
Map of Hope movements from May 2009 through April 2011 (copy)

Hope arrives on MacKenzie River breeding grounds

(Williamsburg, VA)—Hope, a whimbrel being tracked via satellite by scientists has arrived on her breeding grounds along the MacKenzie River in Canada. She left the Eastern […]
June 18, 2011

Azalea Back at Red Wing Golf Course

Guess Azalea got bored with catfish and has returned to Red Wing Golf Course in Virginia Beach, VA. She left the NC Tidewater Research Station just […]
June 18, 2011

Camellia in Gloucester County, VA June 17

Camellia has finally gotten wanderlust again. He left the Algonquin neighborhood in Norfolk about 11:00am June 16 and flew north to the US Naval Weapons Station […]
June 14, 2011

Azalea – No Change – Catfish

 I could write this posting with one word – – catfish – and all of you would know just exactly what I mean!. Azalea is still […]
June 14, 2011

Camellia Still in Algonquin Park

Camellia is doing as he has many times in the past year that he has been wandering about. He finds a place he likes and stays […]
June 12, 2011

Saw Pen Point Fledglings Update June 12

The two Saw Pen Point (Virginia Beach) bald eagle fledglings are doing well. This morning (Sunday) both were sitting in a loblolly pine tree with one of the […]
June 12, 2011

Azalea – No Change – It’s Catfish

Not much to say. Another 72 hours and Azalea is still at the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station and private catfish farm east of Plymouth, NC. […]
June 12, 2011

Azalea – No Change – It's Catfish

Not much to say. Another 72 hours and Azalea is still at the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station and private catfish farm east of Plymouth, NC. […]
June 12, 2011

Camellia in Algonquin in Norfolk, VA

Camellia has left Virginia Beach and flown to Norfolk. On the previous satellite map he had just arrived back at the farm field behind Charity United […]
June 9, 2011

Azalea – Still Feasting on Catfish

Azalea is doing much as she has done many times now. Wanders about in Virginia for a week or two, then returns to the NC Tidewater […]
June 9, 2011

Camellia Back at Charity Neck

Well, Camellia just seems lately to go back and forth from one familiar place to another. After a week in Great Neck off Inlynnview Rd in […]
June 6, 2011

Azalea – Catfish, Catfish, Catfish

Not much to report about Azalea. She has not been anywhere the past few days except the catfish farm near Plymouth, NC. She is using both […]
June 6, 2011

Camellia Still at Inlynnview in Va Beach

Camellia must be finding fishing to be easy off Inlynnview Rd in Virginia Beach. He has been to this location several times. Other than an afternoon […]
June 4, 2011

Bald Eagle Fledging Time

It is the time of year when bald eagles in Virginia are fledging their young. Last week, this week and the next two weeks the vast […]
June 3, 2011

Yep! – Azalea Is Back Eating Catfish

Just as predicted, Azalea has returned to the NC Tidewater Research Station and the private catfish farm. She did make an overnight stop in Bertie County […]
June 3, 2011

Camellia Back at Great Neck in Va Beach

Camellia has finally left the farm field behind Charity United Methodist Church, and returned to a place with which he is VERY familiar – Inlynnview in […]
May 31, 2011

Azalea On Way Back To Catfish Farm??

Looks like Azalea has had enough of the Red Wing Golf Course, at least for the time being. She did spend the nights of May 27, […]
May 31, 2011

Camellia Still At Charity Neck May 30

During the daytime on May 28, 29 and 30, Camellia has wandered a couple miles south from Charity Neck to near the intersection of Muddy Creek […]