Center for Conservation Biology

December 4, 2011

Camellia on Lake Joyce Dec 4

Camellia spent yet another night at Norfolk Botanical Garden (YELLOW arrow Nov 30 at 6:00pm and PINK pointer Dec 1 at 1:00am). He left NBG and […]
December 1, 2011

Azalea Back In Norfolk, VA

Azalea spent three days at Harwoods Mill Reservoir in Newport News (YELLOW arrow and GREEN pointer) then Nov 30 flew back to Norfolk. Yesterday Nov 30 […]
December 1, 2011

Camellia Back at NBG Nov 30

After spending three days in the Great neck and Little Neck areas of Virginia Beach, Camellia has once again returned to Norfolk Botanical Garden. This map […]
November 28, 2011

Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival

As many of you are aware, I attended the Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival ( in British Columbia, Canada earlier this month. The festival is supported […]
November 28, 2011

Camellia Back in Great Neck

Camellia is still wandering around Virginia Beach. On our last map it appeared that he was on his way back to Stumpy Lake (YELLOW arrow Nov […]
November 28, 2011

Azalea Returns to Harwoods Mill Reservoir

Azalea was last on Corbin Pond in King and Queen County (YELLOW arrow Nov 24 at 6:00pm and PURPLE pointer Nov 25 at 1:00am). She stayed […]
November 25, 2011

Azalea at Corbin Pond in K&Q County

Azalea remained at the King and Queen County landfill until about 10:00am Nov 24. At 11:00am (PINK pointer) she was moving south. As of this map […]
November 25, 2011

Azalea at Corbin Pond in K&Q County

Azalea remained at the King and Queen County landfill until about 10:00am Nov 24. At 11:00am (PINK pointer) she was moving south. As of this map […]
November 25, 2011

Camellia Exploring Va Beach Again

When we last saw Camellia he was in the Camellia Garden at NBG at 7:00pm Nov 21 (YELLOW arrow). He stayed in that spot for the […]
November 22, 2011

Azalea – How Do You Spell “Landfill”?

Been here before and done that!. The last satellite map showed that Azalea was at the Gloucester County Landfill  (YELLOW arrow  Nov 15 at 1:00am). She […]
November 22, 2011

Azalea – How Do You Spell "Landfill"?

Been here before and done that!. The last satellite map showed that Azalea was at the Gloucester County Landfill  (YELLOW arrow  Nov 15 at 1:00am). She […]
November 22, 2011

Camellia Returns to NBG

Camellia is back at Norfolk Botanical Garden!!!. After spending a few weeks away from home, Camellia has returned to familiar grounds. The last satellite map showed […]
November 15, 2011

Azalea at Gloucester County Landfill Nov 15

Do eagles have memory? In 2009 and 2010 Azalea spent time at the Gloucester County Landfill near Adner, VA on US Route 17 and has returned […]
November 15, 2011

Camellia Near Waverly, VA Nov 14

Camellia has not traveled far and remains in Sussex County, VA. He started out near Wakefield, VA at 7:00pm Nov 12 (YELLOW arrow) and was still […]
November 12, 2011

Azalea in Lakewood in Norfolk Nov 11

Azalea has been on the move locally once again. At 1:00am Nov 9 (YELLOW arrow) and 8:00am Nov 9 (GREEN pointer) she was at Stumpy Lake in Virginia […]
November 12, 2011

Camellia Leaves Landfill – Now Near Wakefield, VA

Camellia arrived at the Sussex County Landfill on Oct 31, and left about 7:00am Nov 11 flying northeast across US Route 460 into Surrey County. At […]
November 10, 2011

Nest Building Nov 10

The female brought in a green pine bough this morning (photo 1,2,3) and the male contributed a stick (photo 4), and relocated the green pine bough (photo […]
November 9, 2011

Azalea Back At Stumpy Lake 11/09

Azalea has been on tour visiting in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. YELLOW arrow – previous location Nov 6 at 8:00am Trashmore II in […]