Center for Conservation Biology

April 3, 2017

Grace Round-Trip TRS/Red Wing/TRS 4/2/2017

Again we are missing data because of the cloudy weather resulting in low solar battery strength. There was no data for March 26, March 28/29, and […]
March 28, 2017

People and Shorebirds Flock to Beaches

March 27, 2017

Grace Returns to TRS March 25, 2017

Grace left Hampton on Mar 20, spent the night in Gum Swamp in Chesapeake, then flew on to the Tidewater Agriculture Research Station (TRS) near Plymouth, […]
March 20, 2017

Grace On Peninsula in Hampton as of March 18

First – Because of the cloudy – rainy weather the past few days, the satellite transmitter battery was operating on low power. Therefore, we have no […]
March 17, 2017

Bridge Birds

March 14, 2017

Where are the Transmittered Bald Eagles?

Where are eleven of the juvenile bald eagles fitted with GSM?GPS transmitteres and banded with PURPLE leg bands in May 2016? See the maps below which […]
March 13, 2017

Grace at Lake Taylor in Norfolk 3/12/2017

Grace did some flying last week. She began at the NC Tidewater Research Station, flew to Phelps Lake, then back to TRS. She then flew across […]
March 6, 2017

Grace Returns to Tidewater Research Station 3/2/2017

Grace just cannot resist returning to the NC Tidewater Agriculture Research Station and the private catfish farm. After a few days on the Peninsula area in […]
February 27, 2017

Grace Returns to Virginia Peninsula Feb 25 2017

Grace hung around the Tidewater Research Station for a couple days, but then on Feb 23 at Noon she headed North. By 3:00pm she was at […]
February 20, 2017

Grace Returns to Tidewater Research Station Feb 19 2017

This past week Grace made a round-trip flight east to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge and back to the North Carolina Tidewater Agriculture Research Station […]
February 13, 2017

Grace at Phelps Lake in NC Feb 10 2017

Grace did exactly as expected the past week. She returned to the NC Agriculture Tidewater Research Station near Plymouth, NC. After a few days there feasting […]
February 6, 2017

Grace in Perquimans County, NC Feb 4 2017

After spending several days flying all about the Peninsula of Virginia -Bethel Landfill (PINK), Seaford (GREEN), Grandville Beach (BLUE), and Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (HRBT) (ORANGE 9:00am). […]
February 4, 2017

Update Feb 1, 2017 Transmittered Bald Eagles

In May 2016 biologists with The Center for Conservation Biology banded and fitted GSM/GPS transmitters on 12 nestling Bald Eagles in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. One […]
January 30, 2017

Grace in Virginia, Visits Owl Creek, 1/29/2017

Grace Left Creswell, NC the morning of Jan 23 flying north. She crossed into Virginia Beach about 4:00pm Jan 24 (GREEN). She then continued north flying […]
January 23, 2017

Grace Returns to Catfish – Now Creswell, NC Jan 22, 2017

Sure ‘nuf!!! Grace was indeed on her way back to the catfish ponds in Washington County, NC. She overnighted on The North River (YELLOW arrow) then […]
January 16, 2017

Grace Returns to North Carolina Jan 13 2017

Grace spent most of the past week along the North Landing River in Virginia Beach. At 2:00pm Jan 13 she crossed back into North Carolina near […]
January 12, 2017

Moving Woodpeckers 2

January 11, 2017

OspreyWatch Anniversary