Grace has returned to the North Carolina Tidewater Research Station. Again there is very limited data. No satellite data points for May 15, 16, 18, 19 and very limited for May 14 and 17. As of this satellite map Grace is at TRS May 20 at 6:54pm – WHITE arrow.

glad to hear from you big girl..good to have you back home ..stay safe Ms. Grace..Thank you Reese
Has any information come forth regarding the death of Camilla? I hope the killer is exposed and gets the maximum.
Please let us know if anything is found out.
Thanks so much.
Thank you Reese and all who comment here
Response – Nita – We have not heard anything about the ID of the shooter.
Grace, I sure hope your inconsistent data is mostly due to grey skies. Stay safe.
Thanks Reese!