March 5, 2010

How Do I Get Out Of This Egg?

Photo from Webcam March 24, 2009 at 5:02pm – This is the third egg to hatch (other two chicks are under moms wing) and chick will […]
March 5, 2010

Do Azalea’s Parents Recognize Her?

Photo (R. Lukei, Jr) – Azalea’s younger sister HE on June 2, 2009 after leaving her nest a few days too early One of the most studied […]
March 5, 2010

Do Azalea's Parents Recognize Her?

Photo (R. Lukei, Jr) – Azalea’s younger sister HE on June 2, 2009 after leaving her nest a few days too early One of the most studied […]
August 3, 2009

Azalea map July 29 – Aug 2

Azalea has again flown over new territory, but also settled into something of a routine. She is spending less and less time near the nest. At […]
July 31, 2009

Satellite map July 26-31

Azalea has become more active and has visited or flown over new areas around NBG. She has ventured over Lake Whitehurst where it meets Shore Drive […]
July 30, 2009

Juvenile eagle plumage patterns

Earlier today EagleEye asked a question about the tail pattern on juvenile eagles. The question is a broader matter of identification and the coloration of tail, […]
July 27, 2009

No avian pox

Last week the question was asked as to whether this year’s young eagles showed any signs of avian pox. An excellent question considering that is what […]
July 26, 2009

Have HE and HK left?

Azalea (HH) was at the nest and camera tree all day today all by herself (photos). One of the adults brought in a fish about 8:00am […]
July 24, 2009

Dependent / Independent

My Webster’s 1956 dictionary has these word’s of wisdom Dependent – Relying on, or subject to, something else for support Independent – Not dependent The most […]
July 16, 2009

Satellite map July 11-16

This map covers the period early morning July 11 to early morning July 16. The data points show a much broader territory for Azalea. All three […]
June 27, 2009

the mantle vs. to mantle

Right photo – The (or a) “mantle” refers to the feathers in the upper middle of the back that form a “V” shape below the neck […]
June 16, 2009

Azalea returns to nest – Satellite operations

After two failed attempts, Azalea made it back to the nest. About 4:35 she flew in from the left back of the nest and smashed right […]
June 11, 2009

What is it??

A few minutes before 6pm today the male adult brought a pigeon to the nest. There was the usual scramble for the prey and Azalea (HH) […]
June 11, 2009

Azalea still nest tree bound

As of 11am this morning Azalea (HH) has still not found the “courage” to join her brother (HK) and younger sister (HE) by flying from the […]
June 9, 2009

Very active week

This has been an exciting week for eagle viewers at Norfolk Botanical Garden. About 5:55pm Tuesday June 2 the youngest female HE over jumped and missed […]
May 22, 2009

Building flight muscles

May 21 saw the two oldest eaglets HK (the one with all the white feathers) and HH (with transmitter) flapping their wings and jumping from one […]