EagleTrak Blog

September 3, 2009

Azalea Moves a Bit North

Azalea has been getting a lot of flying time in the past fews days. On Monday Aug 31 she left the area around Blackwells and flew […]
August 31, 2009

Azalea relocates a few miles south

Azalea has been exploring a wider section of the Northern Neck (also called Upper Peninsula) of Virginia. On Aug 25 Azalea ventured over to the Reedville […]
August 28, 2009

Azalea foraging on Little Wicomico River, VA

Azalea continues to explore the Northern Neck peninsula of Virginia. She’s spent most of this week roosting and foraging on the Little Wicomico River near the town […]
August 26, 2009

Azalea on Little Wicomico River

This satellite map covers a wide time range through the early morning August 24 so that you can see better how Azalea (HH) has wandered first to […]
August 26, 2009

Where is Azalea (Map)!!

The question(s) of the week is “where is Azalea?” and more specifically “where is that satellite map you promised??) The latest data  about 7am Aug 24 […]
August 22, 2009

Azalea on the Move

This is the last web photo of the season of Azalea as she looks down at Joe Foreman take her photo which has been posted on […]
August 19, 2009

Azalea overnights in North Carolina

The latest satellite map through afternoon August 18 shows that Azalea has begun to travel. On Sunday August 16 at 1:00pm she was over the Creeds […]
August 16, 2009

Hope (the Whimbrel) update

Hope finally came to rest on the southern shore of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands on friday evening August 15 after flying non-stop from Hudson Bay […]
August 15, 2009

Azalea vs. Hope (the Whimbrel)

And the winner is????? Azalea (banded HH) was fitted with a satellite transmitter on May 20, 2009 and we have all been anxious to see just […]
August 14, 2009

Raccoon in Eagle Nest

This evening, August 14, just as it was getting dark about 7:55 a raccoon climbed into the NBG bald eagle nest. It stayed there only about […]
August 12, 2009

Satellite Map Aug 1 to 11

Azalea has wandered even farther from Norfolk Botanical Garden. The lowest center data point is over the Haygood area near Independence Blvd in Virginia Beach at […]
August 12, 2009

Blog Site Address

The upgrades to the William & Mary blog sites have been completed. The CCB eagle blog web site address has changed to http://eagletrak.blogs.wm.edu. The old web address […]
August 7, 2009

Blog Improvements Coming

The CCB EagleTrak blog site will be off-line for a part of Monday August 10th. The College of William & Mary has notified CCB that wmblogs […]
August 3, 2009

Azalea map July 29 – Aug 2

Azalea has again flown over new territory, but also settled into something of a routine. She is spending less and less time near the nest. At […]
July 31, 2009

Satellite map July 26-31

Azalea has become more active and has visited or flown over new areas around NBG. She has ventured over Lake Whitehurst where it meets Shore Drive […]
July 30, 2009

Juvenile eagle plumage patterns

Earlier today EagleEye asked a question about the tail pattern on juvenile eagles. The question is a broader matter of identification and the coloration of tail, […]
July 28, 2009

Satellite map July 20 to July 27

This satellite map of data from the transmitter that Azalea is wearing shows that she has been getting a wider view of the Norfolk/Virginia Beach area […]
July 27, 2009

No avian pox

Last week the question was asked as to whether this year’s young eagles showed any signs of avian pox. An excellent question considering that is what […]