EagleTrak Blog

December 2, 2009

June 16 to Dec 1 Satellite Map

BONUS TIME!!! Here is a satellite map of the journey that Azalea has taken since she fledged from her nest at Norfolk Botanical Garden on June […]
December 2, 2009

Azalea Returns to Landfill – Again

After making a short flight to Allmondsville, VA on the York River on the morning of Nov 28, Azalea flew right back to the Middle Peninsula […]
November 30, 2009

Azalea Near Allmondsville, VA

Azalea spent the days of Nov 23, 24, 25, 26 at the Gloucester County landfill (the correct name is Middle Peninsula Landfill) and the nights in the […]
November 24, 2009

Azalea Still at Gloucester Landfill

Azalea has taken a real liking to the Gloucester County Landfill. The previous map on Nov 18 showed that she was spending her days at the […]
November 19, 2009

Oh Well, It’s Back to the Landfill

On the previous satellite map early on Nov 15, Azalea was on a small creek just off the York River west of Pinetta, VA. She spent […]
November 19, 2009

Oh Well, It's Back to the Landfill

On the previous satellite map early on Nov 15, Azalea was on a small creek just off the York River west of Pinetta, VA. She spent […]
November 16, 2009

Azalea Abandons Landfill

Azalea has once again shown her independent mindset and changed her mind about visiting landfills. She has not been back to the Gloucester County Landfill since […]
November 15, 2009

Swamp-Landfill, Swamp-Landfill, Etc, Etc

The last satellite map Nov 9 showed that Azalea was in a swampy area just east of Adner, VA and south of the Gloucester County Landfill. […]
November 10, 2009

Azalea Visits Gloucester County, Etc, Etc, Etc

Azalea did spend Halloween night near Water View, VA and the next day as well. She must have collected a bunch of sugarery candy with lots of energy […]
November 10, 2009

NBG Camera Cleaned

In preparation for the 2009-10 bald eagle nesting season at Norfolk Botanical Garden, yesterday the camera was cleaned, spiders removed from the inside of the camera […]
November 10, 2009

Azalea Remains on Middle Peninsula

Azalea has spent a week in the same area near Adner, VA which is east of West Point. I will hopefully have the data to post […]
November 3, 2009

Moving Further South

Azalea appears to have moved further south to east of West Point, VA on the Middle Peninsula. As soon as I get the satellite data I will […]
November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat in Water View, VA

On Oct 28 Azalea was exploring the area of Lancaster County, VA near Weems, and she continued to do so until about noon on Oct 29 […]
October 31, 2009

Azalea Visits Middlesex County Again

Azalea has crossed the Rappahannock River into Middlesex County near Urbanna which is where it appears she will Trick or Treat for Halloween. It may be […]
October 31, 2009

Barn Owls hatching

To see a very, VERY late hatching of Barn Owls go to www.wvec.com – cameras – falcon cam – Cobb Island Barn owls have been nesting […]
October 29, 2009

Azalea visits Lancaster County

After spending several days wandering all over Northumberland County, Azalea has decided to check out Lancaster County which is immediately south of Northumberland and still on […]
October 25, 2009

Azalea Gets Northumberland Wanderlust

Well, since the last map posting of Oct 19, Azalea has been all over Northumberland County, Virginia. She last appeared to be heading west, but instead […]
October 20, 2009

Azalea Headed West Oct 17-19

Azalea continued to hang around the Little Wicomico River (pronounced Why-com-eh-coh) and the Chesapeake Bay shoreline over the weekend. Yesterday, she began moving west over the […]