EagleTrak Blog

August 16, 2011

Azalea Flies to Potomac River in Virginia

Azalea has traveled about 200 miles from the catfish ponds near Plymouth, NC to the shore of the Potomac River east of Colonial Beach, VA. She […]
August 13, 2011

Azalea On Her Way Home??

Azalea appears to be, once again, on her way home after her 15th visit in two years to the NC Tidewater Research Station and private catfish […]
August 13, 2011

Camellia Settles In Indian River, Chesapeake

After a week of wandering about Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Camellia has settled down in the Chesapeake neighborhoods of Georgetown East and Valley Stream along the […]
August 10, 2011

Camellia Still Touring Tidewater

Camellia continues to tour southside Tidewater. Trying to follow his track was a challenge this time. Camellia was on West Neck Creek at 6:00am Aug 7. From […]
August 10, 2011

Azalea Still at TRS Near Plymouth, NC

About the only change to report about Azalea is that she has gone back to using both night-time communal roosts. She has still not left the […]
August 7, 2011

For Azalea It Is Just Catfish

Since arriving back at the NC Tidewater Research Station on Aug 3, Azalea has not left the confines of the research station and the privately owned […]
August 7, 2011

Camellia on West Neck Creek – VB 8/7

Camellia is on the move again He spent the day of Aug 4 on the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River. About noon Aug 5 Camellia […]
August 4, 2011

Camellia Remains on Elizabeth River

Not a whole lot to tell you about Camellia. He is still in the area of the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River near Military Highway […]
August 4, 2011

Azalea – "Do Catfish Have Magnets?"

Want to guess where Azalea is as of Aug 4 at 11:00am? Hmmm! Let me think about that! Have anything to do with catfish? Well, you […]
August 4, 2011

Azalea – “Do Catfish Have Magnets?”

Want to guess where Azalea is as of Aug 4 at 11:00am? Hmmm! Let me think about that! Have anything to do with catfish? Well, you […]
August 2, 2011

Kentucky Transmittered Eagles in Iowa & Wisconsin

In May 2010 Dr Bryan Watts and Libby Mojica of  The Center for Conservation Biology traveled to Ballard Wildlife Management Area in Ballard County, KY and […]
August 2, 2011

Kentucky Transmittered Eagles in Iowa & Wisconsin

In May 2010 Dr Bryan Watts and Libby Mojica of  The Center for Conservation Biology traveled to Ballard Wildlife Management Area in Ballard County, KY and […]
August 2, 2011

Azalea Also on Elizabeth River – But!!

Azalea is also on the Elizabeth River, however, in an entirely different part, the Southern Branch in Chesapeake near the I-64 high-rise bridges, about 10 miles […]
August 2, 2011

Camellia Back on Elizabeth River

Camellia has returned to very familiar territory as of July 31 at 1:00pm – the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River. He hung around the Witchduck, […]
July 30, 2011

Camellia on Lynnhaven River in Va Beach 7/29

Camellia has left Broad Creek in Norfolk and flown to the Western Branch of the Lynnhaven River as of the afternoon of July 26. Since then […]
July 30, 2011

Azalea Returns to Virginia Beach – Again

Azalea has returned once again to Virginia Beach. She left the catfish ponds and Tidewater Research Station about 4:00pm July 28 crossing the Albemarle Sound and […]
July 26, 2011

Camellia Back in Ingleside – Norfolk

After spending most of the day at Hewitt Farms on July 23, Camellia flew back to Algonquin and Crab Creek in Norfolk. He hung around there […]
July 26, 2011

Azalea – Same Status – Eating Catfish

Azalea is just content to spend most of the summer in Plymouth (Washington County), NC. Other than a brief afternoon flight north across Route 64 on […]