EagleTrak Blog

June 23, 2014

Bald Eagle “Grace” Takes Flight

GRACE in flight June 23, 2014 – Photo by Reese F Lukei Jr The juvenile bald eagle banded with purple leg band MR has been named GRACE. […]
June 23, 2014

Camellia Near Benefit Rd June 22

After spending most of the past three days at the farm fields and ditches along Head of River Rd in Chesapeake, Camellia has flown a bit […]
June 20, 2014

Camellia in Blackwater, Va Beach 6/19

For the past three days Camellia has been in the rural farm area of Virginia Beach bordered by Hungarian Rd, Head of River Rd, and Blackwater […]
June 18, 2014

Camellia Visits North Carolina – Back in VA 6/17

Camellia has been in Gibbs Woods in Currituck County, NC . Missing some data points because of the cloudy weather but Camellia went south into NC […]
June 14, 2014

Camellia Remains at Nanney’s Creek June 14

As of 5am June 14 (this morning) Camellia is still in the Nanney’s Creek area off Mill Landing Rd in Virginia Beach. This has become one of […]
June 11, 2014

Camellia Is Back At Nanney’s Creek June 10

A wanderer can’t stay in one place for long or would not be a wanderer. Camellia is a wanderer. He is now back at Nanney’s Creek […]
June 9, 2014

Camellia at Head of River Rd June 8

A rare one day satellite data map. I am just the messenger – don’t shoot!! Sorry if you were looking for Camellia in the Oaklette neighborhood […]
June 8, 2014

Camellia in Oaklette Neighborhood on Indian River June 7

Photo By Shirley Yanello – Camellia on power pole 7am June 6 – see PINK pointer on map Photo by James Deal – Camellia on power pole […]
June 6, 2014

Camellia at Kemp Woods – Centerville – Chesapeake 6/5/14 – Update

Photos of Camellia this morning June 6  by Jim and Shirley Yanello at Centerville & Volvo Parkway in Chesapeake.   Camellia has wandered a bit north in Chesapeake to […]
June 3, 2014

Camellia at Hungarian Rd – Va Beach June 2

Camellia has been wandering about the rural parts of southern Chesapeake and Virginia Beach for the past three days. YELLOW (Nanney’s Creek – VB), PINK (Fitztown […]
May 30, 2014

Camellia Returns to Nanney’s Creek – Va Beach May 29

Camellia has been returning often to familiar places. He has now returned to Nanney’s Creek in Virginia Beach. As of this map he is a short […]
May 29, 2014

Camellia Visits North Carolina – Back to Pocaty 5/27

Camellia made a very brief visit to Tulls Bay (PINK)  in Currituck County, NC on May 25, but has returned to the Pocaty River in Chesapeake […]
May 24, 2014

Camellia Returns to Pocaty River May 24 – Update

Camellia has finally left the Robinson Road farm area and returned to the Pocaty River in Chesapeake. He left Robinson about Noon on May 21 and […]
May 22, 2014

Camellia Still at Robinson Farms May 21 2014

Jim Yanello captured these photos of Camellia interacting with an adult at the Robinson Road farm fields on May 21. Cam didn’t go anywhere yesterday, at […]
May 21, 2014

Introducing Bald Eagle MR

Photo – Reese F Lukei Jr On May 20, 2014 one of three nestling bald eagles about 7 weeks old was removed from its nest in […]
May 21, 2014

Camellia Remains at Robinson Rd May 21 1am

Other than a bit of wandering around on May 20, Camellia has stayed in the Robinson Rd farm fields and ditches. Data points are YELLOW arrow […]
May 18, 2014

Camellia Back and Forth Nanney’s & Robinson May 17 – Update

Camellia is like a bouncing ball – back and forth between Nanney’s Creek and the Robinson Road farms. For data as to May 15 refer to […]
May 16, 2014

Camellia Back at Robinson Rd May 15 2014

Camellia “Tricked you again!! I spent all day May 15 on farm at Robinson Road.” Data markers shows where Camellia was yesterday. Photos By Beverly Nettleton […]