Center for Conservation Biology

July 8, 2015

Living in a world full of hazards

July 7, 2015

Virginia Red-cockaded Woodpeckers finish season by fledging 21 young birds

July 6, 2015

CCB launches new and improved Mapping Portal

July 6, 2015

Grace Flies to Mobjack Bay – Virginia July 3, 2015

After months of feeding on farm raised catfish, Grace has left North Carolina and returned to Virginia. On June 29 she began flying north crossing into […]
July 5, 2015

2015 Tidewater Bald Eagle Breeding Season

This is a summary of the American Bald Eagle breeding season in Lower Tidewater Virginia, the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach. These are known […]
July 2, 2015

Red Skies at Morning, Black Rail Warning

July 1, 2015

CCB completes successful season of Red Knot resighting in Georgia

June 29, 2015

Grace Finds Another Catfish Farm June 27, 2015

Grace has relocated to yet another catfish farm 14 miles to the east at Creswell, NC. The catfish farm is right along US Hwy 64 just […]
June 24, 2015

Rediscovering Dolly

June 22, 2015

Grace Remains at Catfish Farm June 21, 2015

Grace is not doing much exploring these days which is what young bald eagles are known to do. She did stretch her wings a little bit, […]
June 16, 2015

Eagles continue their advance along James River

June 15, 2015

Grace – No Change – It’s Catfish June 13, 2015

Grace has restricted her flight time since June 5 to the Tidewater Research Station and the private catfish farm. Grace has limited herself to just one […]
June 13, 2015

Bald Eagles Fledge in Mid-Atlantic 2015

Within the American Bald Eagle mid-Atlantic population there are some not-so-suttle changes taking place. Late May and throughout June young eaglets are leaving their natal nests […]
June 6, 2015

It Is Still Catfish For Grace June 5, 2015

For the past week or so Grace has stayed on the eastern side of the Tidewater Research Station and private catfish farm. As of this map […]
June 4, 2015

A Day In The Life Of Grace June 2, 2015

Here is a detailed satellite data map of the activities of Grace on June 2, 2015 from 5:00am to 9:00pm. During that time she made two […]
June 3, 2015

Grace Still At the Catfish Farm June 2 2015

No satellite data for Grace on June 1 so can’t tell where she was located during that time. As of this map Grace is in one […]
June 1, 2015

Grace Remains at the Catfish Farm May 31, 2015

Grace has not gone anywhere in more than a week. She is still foraging at the Tidewater Research Station and private catfish farm as of May […]
May 30, 2015

Norfolk Eaglet Fledged May 29, 2015

The bald eaglet from the Norfolk nest NO1501 at Hunt Club Point fledged at about 5:30pm on May 29, 2015. I believe the fledgling is a […]