Center for Conservation Biology

January 11, 2017

Tracking eagles in 3D

January 10, 2017

Plovers Navigate the Dangers of Hurricane Matthew

January 9, 2017

Grace Returns to Virginia Beach Jan 8, 2017

Grace stayed in the area of Big Bethel in Newport News and York County from Jan 1 to Jan 6, when she flew to Isle of […]
January 6, 2017

Breeding birds of Virginia

January 5, 2017

Virginia peregrine falcons leap forward

January 4, 2017
Black rail walking through a salt marsh

Eastern black rails in free fall

January 2, 2017

Grace at Bethel Landfill Newport News Jan 1, 2017

Grace did a lot of touring this past week visiting Langley Air Force Base (ORANGE), Yorktown (PURPLE), Grandview Nature Preserve (YELLOW), Goodwin Islands (PINK), but spent […]
December 26, 2016

Grace Spends Week in Virginia Beach Dec 23 2016

Grace spent most of this past week along the North Landing River in southern Virginia Beach. She made one short flight to Dam Neck on Dec […]
December 20, 2016

Grace Makes Visit to Catfish Farm – Dec 18, 2016

Between Dec 5 and Dec 18 , Grace made a round trip visit to the North Carolina Agriculture Station and Private catfish farm. She was actually […]
November 21, 2016

Grace Flies to Holland, VA Nov 18, 2016

Grace was on the move this past week. She began at Big Bethel Reservoir in Newport News – YELLOW arrow, flew to the Newport News Golf […]
November 14, 2016

Grace at Big Bethel in Newport News Nov 12 2016

Grace stayed in Delaware until Nov 10 then flew south to the Atlantic shoreline in Maryland. From there Grace continued south down the Eastern Shore and […]
November 7, 2016

Grace Exploring Eastern Shore in DE/MD Nov 06 2016

Grace spent the past week exploring the Eastern Shore in Worcester County in Maryland and Sussex County in Delaware. As of this satellite map Grace is […]
October 31, 2016

Grace in Delaware Oct 30 2016

Grace is exploring new landscape in Maryland and Delaware. On Oct 28 she made a brief flight to Ocean City, MD on the Atlantic Ocean. Ocean […]
October 30, 2016

Update Oct 19 2016 on 11 Transmittered Bald Eagles

In May 2016 twelve nestling bald eagles were fitted with GSM/GPS cell phone technology transmitters by the Center for Conservation Biology. Below is the current location […]
October 24, 2016

Grace Remains in Caroline County MD 10-22-2016

Grace did not fly far this past week. She spent the entire week in Caroline County, MD. She visited the town of Denton, the County seat […]
October 17, 2016

Grace Flies to Va Beach Then Maryland Oct 16 2016

Grace has been traveling the past week. She began on the James River on Oct 7 (YELLOW arrow), then on Oct 10 at 10:00am (GREEN pointer) […]
October 10, 2016

Grace Remains Along the James River Oct 7 2016

For the period Oct 1 to Oct 7 Grace explored the north and south sides of the James River. As of this map Grace is at […]
October 3, 2016

Whimbrel Conservation on the Acadian Peninsula