March 14, 2010

Three Eaglets Confirmed in NBG Nest

Well the Norfolk Botanical Garden bald eagles have done it again – produced three eaglets. Sometime overnight the third eaglet hatched. At 9:09 this morning I […]
March 14, 2010

March 14 Two Eaglets

This morning, Sunday March 14, the camera is working but it cannot be moved or adjusted. There was a power failure last night. However, the camera […]
March 13, 2010

2 Eaglets this Morning March 13, 2010, Third egg Pipped

The second eaglet hatched during the night. The exact time of hatching was not observed so midnight March 13 is the time that will be used […]
March 12, 2010

NBG Chick #1 Photo Gallery

These are photos of eaglet #1 who hatched March 11th with her mom early this morning. The eaglet is being given droplets of moisture from the […]
March 11, 2010

First Hatchling March 11, 2010

Today, March 11, 2010, the most anticipated event of the season became reality – the first eagle hatchling in the nest at Norfolk Botanical Garden. At […]
March 5, 2010

How Do I Get Out Of This Egg?

Photo from Webcam March 24, 2009 at 5:02pm – This is the third egg to hatch (other two chicks are under moms wing) and chick will […]
March 5, 2010

Do Azalea’s Parents Recognize Her?

Photo (R. Lukei, Jr) – Azalea’s younger sister HE on June 2, 2009 after leaving her nest a few days too early One of the most studied […]
March 5, 2010

Do Azalea's Parents Recognize Her?

Photo (R. Lukei, Jr) – Azalea’s younger sister HE on June 2, 2009 after leaving her nest a few days too early One of the most studied […]
March 3, 2010

Eagle Hearing/Ears

A frequent question on the WVEC web cam chat is do eagles have good hearing and where are their ears? Unlike humans and many other animals […]
February 26, 2010

What Is In Those Eagle Eggs?

Illustration from “Bird’s Eggs” by Michael Walters In an earlier blog post I discussed the size, shape, color and weight of a bald eagle egg. But, just […]
February 21, 2010

Eagle Sunrise Photos Feb 21

Sunrise Feb 21 was just right. No wind, rain or snow. Both the male and female posed for the camera. After spending most if not all […]
February 18, 2010

Bald Eagle Eyes and Vision

Many people have asked questions about an eagles eyes and just how good is their vision? There are many myths and misinformation about how well eagles […]
February 13, 2010

Just How Common are 3 Eagles Eggs?

One of the most frequently asked questions on the WVEC web cam chat is “how common is it for bald eagles to lay three eggs?” Bald […]
February 10, 2010


Usually when we think of insulation we relate it to how much we need in the ceiling and walls of our homes to keep us warm in […]
February 9, 2010

Cam Down – Picture Up Feb 9

Sometime during the night the feed to WVEC went down. All is well in the eagle nest at NBG. Here are two photos of female tending […]
February 8, 2010

Expected Hatch Dates

So what everyone wants to know now is when can we expect these three eggs to hatch? For this pair of bald eagles at Norfolk Botanical […]
February 7, 2010

NO Snow, No Rain, No Wind – Sunshine!!

These eagles have got to be saying “finally a day with sunshine”. Since the first egg arrived on Jan 31 the weather in Norfolk has been anything […]
February 6, 2010

The Suspense is Over – Three Eggs

Yet another day with many WVEC eagle cam viewers asking if there would be a third egg in the nest at Norfolk Botanical Garden. At about […]
February 4, 2010

Bald Eagle Egg Size and Color

  Two questions that are frequently asked are what size are eagle eggs, and what color are they? The photos above compare two bald eagle eggs […]
February 3, 2010

Egg #2 Feb 3, 2010 at 11:50am

With over 1,200 people watching on the WVEC eagle cam, the female bald eagle at Norfolk Botanical Garden layed her second egg of the season at […]
February 2, 2010

Pine Straw, Pine Straw and Less Snow

Feb 2 was a very busy day for the adult eagles at Norfolk Botanical Garden. It was bring pine straw, bring pine straw, and bring more […]
February 1, 2010

A Day of Hope

Feb 1, 2010. A day of hope and some promise. Both the adults have been busy today putting pine straw under their egg. Compare the photos […]
January 31, 2010

First Egg Layed Jan 31 at 2:14pm

The female has been in her snow filled nest nearly all afternoon. The male was in and out. At 2:10 he flew to the front branch. […]
January 31, 2010

Snow is Over BUT Not Gone

Well the snow finally moved out of southeast Virginia, but the snow is not gone. Both eagles returned to their nest early this morning, about 6:35. […]