Not much to report about Azalea. She has not been anywhere the past few days except the catfish farm near Plymouth, NC. She is using both night time communal roosts in the lower left and upper right of the picture and visiting the catfish ponds right in the middle during the day. She spends most of the day just sitting around. The white “star” is her location at 9:00am June 5. Click on map to enlarge.
With the food source so good ,and she seems to like the area, is it a good possibility she will stay there when time to mate?.
Any chance you could add a scale so I could tell the distances? Is it there,and I am missing it. Still new to the tracking.
Response – Too soon to tell where Azalea will settle down. She still has two years or more to wander about before finding a mate. I will see what can be done about map scale. Every map is different.
Ah… our Azalea knows which side her fish is buttered on!
Eagles not the brightest bulb on the Avian Christmas tree??? Not our Azalea!!
Thank you Reese for the updates…appreciate your time and knowledge on our feathered friends.