Camellia must be finding fishing to be easy off Inlynnview Rd in Virginia Beach. He has been to this location several times. Other than an afternoon jaunt to Lake Smith and Little Creek Reservoir on June 5, he has stayed right in Brown Cove in Great Neck right behind where two WVEC eagle cam viewers live. His location at 6:00pm June 5 is the white data point. Click on maps to enlarge.
Hmm June 5th I’m running all over trying to find the Saw Pen eaglets & Camellia is almost in my backyard!! Thanks for the updates, Reese.
Camellia was in the backyard last night and again this evening. We must have startled him because he flew off a big pine and around the cove, then came back and settled in the front yarn for the evening. Good night Cami.