Azalea has been on tour visiting in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake and Virginia Beach. YELLOW arrow – previous location Nov 6 at 8:00am Trashmore II in Va Beach, PURPLE pointer Nov 6 at 2:00pm Lafayette River in Norfolk, PINK pointer Nov 7 at 1:00am Great Dismal Swamp NWR in Suffolk, GREEN pointer Nov 8 at 1:00am Indian River in Chesapeake, and location as of this satellite map WHITE arrow Stumpy Lake in Virginia Beach Nov 9 at 1:00am. Blue pointer is Norfolk Botanical Garden. Click maps to enlarge.
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I’m on the Eastern Elizabeth, in NE Chesapeake. Saw a juvie yesterday (11/08) in the early afternoon. Thought I saw an antenna. Camellia visits this area often, but the juvie I saw had lots of white on belly, and quite a bit under wings. Looking at the map, Azalea did fly by my house. Wonder if Azalea was the juvie I saw? Reese, Thanks So Much for your tracking, and updates on the NBG pair.
Response – Not Azalea as she was in southern Chesapeake east of Great Bridge along the A&C Canal and from there flew to Stumpy Lake. I went looking for her at Stumpy, but didn’t see any eagles today.