CCB maintains an extensive library of materials used in daily research.  The library has been assembled from several private collections and from CCB acquisitions.  Early contributions that represent the core of the original library were from Paul Murphy, Paul Baker, Mitchell Byrd and Fred Scott.  More recent contributions have come from Bryan Watts, Dana Bradshaw, Don Schwab, and Bob Anderson.  Many of the resources housed in the library are rare and not available elsewhere in the region.  The subject focus of these materials is avian ecology, distribution, and conservation.  The geographic focus is Eastern North America though many holdings are global in coverage.  The library includes books (>3,000), aerial photographs (several historic sets), topographic maps (>2,000 many with historic data sets), scientific journals (5,000 issues of 30 periodicals), reprints (>15,000), and images (tens of thousands).  CCB staff is working toward having more and more materials searchable online.

Paul Baker. Photo by the Center for Conserva

Paul Baker. Photo by The Center for Conservation Biology.