If you have been trying to find Azalea the past few days – good luck!! She has been all over the place. I thought she might go back to Honey Bee but she didn’t. She surprised me and stayed in Little Neck a couple days, but I didn’t see her. Here are her data points. YELLOW arrow Oct 13 at 10:00am (Little Neck), PINK pointer Oct 14 at 1:00am (Little Neck), WHITE pointer Oct 14 at 3:00pm (Dam Neck Naval Base), GREEN pointer Oct 15 at 1:00am (Little Neck again), BLUE pointer Oct 15 at 2:00pm (Back Bay), ORANGE pointer Oct 16 at 1:00am (Lafayette River), and as of this map WHITE arrow Oct 16 at 11:00am (Lafayette River).
1 Comment
545pm–10/16/12 went on the dock just below the arrow and scaned the river and could not see Azalea. Could not see the other side of the trees where the arrow is(east)