Expand each tab to view related projects.
- EagleTrak
- Tracking Golden Eagles in Eastern North America
- FALCONTRAK: Investigating Peregrine Falcon movements through satellite tracking
- OspreyTrak: Investigating migration routes of Chesapeake Bay Osprey using satellite tracking
- Migration of northern saw-whet owls along the lower Delmarva Peninsula (1994 - present)
- Assessing patterns of bald eagle migration in eastern North America using satellite tracking
- Diet of northern saw-whet owls during migration
- Weight changes in northern saw-whet owls during stopover on the lower Delmarva Peninsula
- Influence of audio-lures on the capture location and gender bias in northern saw-whet owls
- Kiptopeke Hawkwatch: Monitoring migrant raptors on the Delmarva Peninsula
- Raptor migration banding on the lower Delmarva Peninsula (1985-2004)
- Habitat use by American kestrels during fall migration
- WhimbrelWatch Program
- Use of the Virginia barrier islands and lagoon system by shorebirds during the spring migration (1994 - present)
- Investigating migrant shorebirds within the upper Bay of Panama, Panama
- Cover use and flocking behavior of migrant shorebirds in agricultural fields on the lower Delmarva Peninsula
- Impacts of humans on the distribution and density of shorebirds along beaches of the Chesapeake Bay
- Spring stopover duration of migratory whimbrel along the lower Delmarva Peninsula
- Assessment of stopover duration of migratory red knots along the Virginia barrier islands using band resights
- Estimation of movement rates between two migration staging areas by red knots in the mid-Atlantic
- Peak counts of migrating red knots along the Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina coasts (2010 - present)
- Habitat use by migratory shorebirds along the lower Delmarva Peninsula (1994 - present)
- Investigating migration pathways and stopover locations for whimbrel using the Atlantic Flyway
- Investigating fall Whimbrel migration along the lower Delmarva Peninsula
- Surveillance for Avian Influenza (HPAI-H5NI) in Shorebirds along the Eastern Shore of Virginia
- A reassessment of shorebird use in the upper Bay of Panama, Panama
- Potential conflicts between clam aquaculture and migratory shorebirds along the Delmarva Peninsula
- Sequence and timing of flight-feather molt in the western sandpiper
- Assessing the impact of major weather events on migrating whimbrel using satellite tracking
- Impact of nesting peregrine falcons on the distribution of migrant red knots along the Virginia Barrier Islands
- Population estimation of migrant western sandpipers within the upper Bay of Panama
- Survey of waterbirds along the Pacific Coast of Panama (2008)
- Status and distribution of communal shorebird roosts along the upper Bay of Panama
- Stopover duration of selected shorebirds during fall migration within the upper Bay of Panama
- Influence of tide stage on the foraging patterns of shorebirds within the upper Bay of Panama
- Foraging modes of calidrid shorebirds within the upper Bay of Panama
- Nontidal habitat use of shorebirds in Panama
- Using NPOL radar to identify stopover sites for migrating passerines
- Use of shrubland habitat by fall migrants on the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge
- Stopover ecology of the blackpoll warbler during spring migration on the Coastal Plain of Virginia
- Foraging rates of blackpoll warbers during spring migration in coastal Virginia
- Remote sensing of avian stopover habitat within lower Northampton County
- Establishing a gateways-to-migration network on the Delmarva Peninsula
- Assessment of neotropical migrant landbird stopover habitat using NEXRAD radar within the lower Chesapeake Bay region
- Kiptopeke Banding Station (1963-2002)
- Fall stopover ecology of neotropical migrants: Are forests of the inner or outer coastal plain energy sources for migrants?
- Comparing passerine migration between inner and outer habitats of coastal Virginia
- Restoration of migrant bird habitat within the Port of Cape Charles Industrial Area
- Habitat use and distribution of landbird migrants on Little Creek Amphibious Base(1995-1997)
- Geographic distribution and habitat requirements of landbird migrants on the Lower Delmarva Peninsula (1992-1993)
- An investigation of gray-cheeked and Bicknell's thrush migration at Kiptopeke, Virginia
- Relationship between vegetation volume and fall migrants along the lower Delmarva Peninsula
- Geographic distribution of American robins during migration on the Lower Delmarva Peninsula
- An investigation of density-dependent habitat selection by migrating passerines within a migration bottleneck
- A comparison of foraging rates, body condition, and food availabiltiy for songbird migrants within coastal Virginia
- Investigation of grassland habitat use during fall migration along the lower Delmarva Peninsula