Camellia continues to explore the Lake Anna environs and as of this map on Sept 8 at 7pm he is just south of the Dominion Virginia Power Nuclear plant. He has spent his entire time since the last update on Sept 5 south of the Route 208 bridge including each night, but in a different location and on both sides of the lake. This indicates that there is probably not a communal roost on the lake. There is one known bald eagle nest on Lake Anna near Bumpass, VA in Louisa County, and one in Spotsylvania County a few miles north of the lake, but it is not known if the local eagles are there.
Maybe he is waiting on Mag to get a good picture of him:) At least he is safe and must be happy here for now.
Yes, the local eagles are definitely in the area of the Bumpass nest. I have a second home a short distance from the Bumpass nest and every day that I am at the lake, with binoculars in hand, I go out on my pontoon boat eagle searching. Late May, again this year, we had three fledglings. Sunday, Sept. 5 I was visiting with friends at a gazebo on the shore near the end of Busbees Point Rd. (Rt. 728) across from Dick’s Island, when a juvenile arrived and made several unsuccessful attempts to grab a fish. We heard rather loud “chatter” coming from a tree above us and discovered that an adult was watching this and apparently giving instructions. It was quite a fascinating experience for us humans. The Busbees Point location is not far across the lake from Camellia’s location at Travis Lane. It is no longer rare to see an adult or a juvie at Lake Anna, at least in our area. We have learned several of the favored perching trees and late evening when we go out for a sunset cruise it is not unusual to see an adult in one of those trees. One morning, while having breakfast at our dock, out of nowhere appeared an adult who dove in front of us and caught a fish so large that he/she could not gain altitude, so headed for the nearest shore to have its breakfast. I certainly hope our local eagles are welcoming to Camellia.
Should be there a bit after 11:00 today. Hope Cammie will help me get some good pics!!