Grace has flown east to the edge of Albemarle Sound. She first stopped off on July 19 at Creswell, NC where she has been several times in the past. Again there is only sparse data on July 16, 19 and 22. As of this map Grace is in Tyrrell County on July 22 at 6:24pm.

1 Comment
going to the beach house to see me big girl..I’ll be down this weekend looking for you..stay safe beautiful Grace..Thank you Reese…Can Osprey see at night Reese..Brave Rachel at Hog Island is protecting her last chick Baily from a GHO..She is seen at night flying to a tree like she sees the owl and flying back to the nest..she does seem to miss judge the branch at times when landing..poor thing has already lost two chicks to the owl
Response – Osprey eyesight at night is about the same as humans.