Grace seems to be getting familiar with the area west of Manns Harbor, NC just as she did in 2015. The GREEN LINES are her 2015 travels and the ORANGE LINES are 2016. She is returning to the night-time roost each night (YELLOW arrow). During the day Grace is visiting flooded farm fields. The ditches around these fields probably contain fish, an easy place to forage. The WHITE arrow is her location as of this satellite map at 5:00pm Jan 29. Click on maps to enlarge.
Thanks for keeping us updated on Grace.
What a smart girl. Happy she seems to be doing well and has some stability. Thanks always, Reese!
did not find you big girl. drove around Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning..I was in the same area…such a beautiful week end to be out looking for you Ms. Grace. Thank you Reese..
I forgot to say.. Reese well done on the photo of ND..and he has a nest in the area too? This is wonderful news….
Response – Pat, yes ND is mating with a female in Virginia Beach, but as of today no eggs yet.