Camellia remains true to his master travel plan. Do not stay in one place for a long period of time. He left Edinburgh in Chesapeake between 1pm and 2pm May 6 and is now touring a farm off Robinson Road in Virginia Beach (Charity Neck area). However, illusive as Camellia may be, he has had his photo taken twice recently. On April 12 at Lake Smith while taking a bath in a cove at Cypress Point (see photos below). On May 6 before he left Edinburgh, Beverly Nettleton got the attached photo of Camellia from a distance. Satellite data confirms that it is Camellia – plus I clearly saw his transmitter and antenna about 9:30am May 6. Here are his data points – YELLOW arrow May 5 at 4pm, PINK pointer May 6 at 9am, GREEN pointer May 6 at 3pm, BLUE pointer May 7 at 1am, ORANGE pointer May 7 at Noon, PURPLE pointer May 8 at 1am, and as of this map WHITE arrow May 9 at 5am.
Photo – Beverly Nettleton – Edinburgh at Noon May 6
On April 12 Camellia was on Lake Smith in Virginia Beach near the Cypress Point area. Bob Costello took these photos of Camellia taking a bath behind his house. Photos used with permission.
Ms Pat, this is for you! I was closer, that Stinker flew before I could click.
Going to be a Cammy weekend for many, we know he is local, as of 5am anyway. He sure likes to move around.
Thanks Reese
Oh my goodness!! He has a white head! Good job Ms Beverly!! I have been looking for a multi colored eagle(dirty bird) Well duh! I admit that antenna could be hard for me to spot..looks like he was sitting out in the open..what a handsome Stinker you are Cam…More photo’s please..Thanks Reese
So, my Eagle in Edinburgh at about 830am on May 6 is probably Camellia. Would you like me to email the pictures I have?
Way to go, Bev! You outsmarted him!
Thank you, so beautiful.
Thanks, Reese! Great find!! Bev, super job!!!
Great photos of Cammy bathing Bob! ‘Our’ eagles have great hygiene habits!
Exciting Map Days, thanks Reese!
What an exciting post! Congrats to Bob and Bev for being able to get pictures and thanks for sharing with us. His markings appear to be quite similar to HK’s at this time last year.
He looks so handsome! Great pictures Bev and Bob, and thanks for posting Reese!
Lucky you..Mr. Bob and thank you Ms. Beverly. Cam you’re a big boy now..what was I thinking,,stuck in time I guess,Ha.. I remember you catching Az at the HomeDepot a few times at Edinburgh ..Ms Cindy photo’s please..Thanks to all.It’s not easy he loves to tease…Thanks Reese
Response – Turns out that there were two bald eagles the same age in the same location on May 6. The photos that Cindy and her father Bill captured were of the “other” eagle, not Camellia. Without their photos we would have never known there were two same age eagles.
Well that is very interesting..maybe a Lady
Good job tracking and getting the pics of Camellia. He may be elusive but my bets are on Bev 🙂
Very exciting news here! Fantastic work Beverly and Bob!
Camellia, you are looking so grown up, – almost formidable! Stay safe and strong. Wonder where you are going to throw your sticks and make a home. Great teamwork, guys! Thanks so much!