Camellia has flown back to one of his most favorite places – Edinburgh off Hillcrest Parkway in Chesapeake. He likes to forage for fish in the four ponds in that neighborhood. Arrived at 2pm May 5 so maybe!!! he will stay there for a day or two. However??????????????

Hopefully he stays put long enough for someone to get his picture! Thanks Reese!
Response – Someone DID get his photo. Be in next post.
Well you did it again..I was in town then same area..same time..but you did get caught..can’t wait to see the next post.Thanks Reese and who ever got Cam’s photo..
Can’t wait. Thanks.
Awesome!! we looked hard Monday but no luck. Can’t wait to see the picture!
That Stinker wouldn’t show himself on 5/7!!
I was able to get pictures Of an Eagle In Edinburgh on Tuesday …Might be Camellia.
Response – Should get new map data on May 9 so will know just where he was on Tuesday.