The bald eagle breeding population along the historic James River has exceeded 200 pairs for the first time in written history. The 2013 aerial survey conducted by The Center for Conservation Biology recorded 205 pairs that produced 267 young. Areas supporting the highest densities include Charles City County (46 pairs), Prince George County (31 pairs), James City County (29 pairs) and Surry County (28 pairs).
Bald eagle feeding young in a nest within Charles City County. Photo by Bryan Watts.
The James River population represents the best example of bald eagle recovery in the nation. By the early 1960s the once thriving population had been reduced to below 15 pairs due to environmental contaminants and by the mid-1970s no pairs remained along the river. Following the decline of banned compounds like DDT, recovery began with a single pair in 1980. Recovery was slow in the early years and as recently as 2000 the river supported only 57 pairs that produced 85 young.
Results of bald eagle breeding survey along the James River from 1964 through 2013. Data from CCB.
Since 2000, breeding eagles along the James have more than tripled resulting in one of the densest populations in eastern North America. The dramatic recovery reflects the resiliency of both the bald eagle and James River. This small geographic area now supports more breeding pairs than all surrounding states with the exception of Maryland.
Written by
Bryan Watts | | (757) 221-2247
September 25, 2013
1 Comment
We have a pair on our cove at Lake Anna! Our house is on the cove right before you get to the nuclear plant. VA Power owns the land across from us…no homes.