Azalea has flown to the Thoroughgood neighborhood in Virginia Beach as of 8:00am this morning. She did stay in the Hillcrest area of Chesapeake through the morning of Feb 10 long enough for Bob Mislan to take her photo. Bob sent me a comparison photo of Azalea – left – (HH) and her brother HK. Azalea photo Feb 10, HK photo Jan 27 at Honey Bee. Note how similiar in feather pattern and molt stage (difference in wing feather length). Photos copyright by Robert Mislan.
Here is the satellite data points for Azalea. YELLOW arrow Feb 8 at 1:00am, PINK pointer Feb 9 at 1:00am, ORANGE pointer Feb 9 at Noon, GREEN pointer Feb 10 at 1:00am, BLUE pointer Feb 10 at 2:00pm (Lafayette River), YELLOW pointer Feb 11 at 1:00am (Lake Smith), and as of this map WHITE arrow Feb 11 at 8:00am (Thoroughgood)
Thanks for taking the pics, Bob, and for posting them, Reese. What beautiful and healthy young eagles Mom and Dad Norfolk produced! They look nearly as adult-plumaged as their 5yo brother, Buddy.
Beautiful Eagle’s for sure.Thank you for the pix and up date