Azalea is getting her frequent flyer miles back and forth into North Carolina. She was last at Red Wing Golf Course in Va Beach – YELLOW arrow Sept 18 at 7:00am. She stayed there another day – PINK pointer Sept 19 at 1:00am – and on the 19th flew to Honey Bee Golf Course to spend the night – GREEN pointer Sept 20 at 1:00am. She then left Honey Bee flying to Portsmouth, VA where she turned south and flew right back to the Tidewater Research Station east of Plymouth, NC – PURPLE pointer Sept 21 at 1:00am, BLUE pointer Sept 22 at 1:00am, and ORANGE pointer Sept 23 at 1:00am. Late on Sept 23 she left TRS and flew a short distance west to spend the night just south of Plymouth – DARK BLUE pointer Sept 24 at 1:00am, and as of this map this morning at 11:00am she was over the marshes north of Plymouth and may have been flying – WHITE arrow Sept 24.
Was good to see you AZ! I hear starting Oct 1, HB is offering double miles, hurry back!
Response – Also, 18 holes free!!!
Yep, looks like she is flying – maybe to Hampton???