Camellia has basically been in two places in Virginia Beach the past 4 days. He started out in Great Neck (YELLOW arrow Feb 27 at 8:00am) and spent the day there. He moved to his favorite night time place – Brown Cove off Inlynnview Rd (PINK pointer Feb 28 at 1:00am). After spending the day in Great Neck with a flight to Crystal Lake he returned to Brown Cove (GREEN pointer Feb 29 at 1:00am). Camellia then flew west to Lake Joyce and then on to the Little Creek US Navy Amphibious Base golf course and Lake Bradford (PURPLE pointer Mar 1 at 1:00am). He spent March 1 wandering about Lake Bradford and as of this satellite map at 5:00pm was still there – WHITE arrow. Click maps to enlarge.
Update – The name of the golf course at Little Creek Amphib Base is EAGLE HAVEN!!!
The golf course on the base is “Eagle Haven.” Fits kinda nicely.
Response – Thanks Roy. I will add that to the post.
It’s rare when I can add something. My pleasure.
Cam is such a guy…spends all his time at the golf course or the lake. Occasionally stopping by home for some fatherly advice.