Well Camellia and Azalea may be miles apart but they are thinking alike. Both are at public waste landfills this morning. Azalea was last at Stumpy Lake in Virginia Beach (YELLOW arrow Nov 3 at 6:00am), but flew from there to the Nansemond River in Portsmouth, VA and spent two nights – PINK pointer Nov 4 at 1:00am and GREEN pointer Nov 5 at 1:00am. Midday on Nov 5 she flew to the Virginia Beach Landfill known as Trashmore II – PURPLE pointer Nov 6 at 1:0am and is there as of this satellite map at 8:00am WHITE arrow.
what are they thinking ?????? fish farm safer — AZ take Cammie there!
I’m with Rose. Hope they move on from the landfills soon.