Azalea continues to find Alligator River NWR attractive. She has not moved about much during this period. She did fly south across Rt 64 on Jan 18, 19 and 20 to the farm fields. She again has returned each night to what has become her “roost”. As of this map at 4:00pm Jan 21 she is sitting in the middle of the woods between South Lake and her “roost” area. Where she is staying at night is off limits to people.
Click on map to enlarge.
Azalea’s parents are getting close to the time we expect them to lay eggs. This season there is a separate blog site to follow the NBG bald eagle pair and their offspring at CCB’s Eagle Nest Blog:
It does seem she’s settled in 🙂 At least it seems like a nicer area than the “dump”
Thanks so much Reese. I sure do hope she loves NC enough to make it her home. That would be just splendid. I would love to see her.
Well with the long range weather outlook for February -very cold-Azalea would be wise to stay in that area. Thank you for the info.